Three Examples of Normative Statements

Normative statements and positive statements often appear in economics textbooks or in the media. The two statements are contradictory. In the following, I summarize the characteristics of the normative statement: Positive economics means focusing more on data, facts and figures than on personal perspectives. The statements presented here are straight...

The Well Made Play Definition

Play-by-post role-playing game — Not to be confused with Play by Mail game. An example of an online PbP role-playing game A Play by Post Game (PbP) is a text-based online role-playing game. This is a niche area of the online role-playing community that caters to both gamers and ....

The Phrase Legal Tender

In 1844, ordinances were passed making Union Bank banknotes legal tender and authorizing the government to issue debt securities in small denominations, creating two groups of legal tender. These bonds were put into circulation, but exchanged at a discount to their face value due to the distrust of the settler...

The Legal Thriller Novel by John Grisham

Note: This list includes adult, detective, thriller, and legal novels by John Grisham. The story follows Alice Connolly, accused of cold-blooded murder and insists on being portrayed only by Bennie Rosato. When the two meet, they are identical. Bennie grew up as an only child, so she can`t be his...

The Legal Framework for the Real Estate Industry

Article 4.2 of Decree 02/2022 stipulates that an investor selected as an investor in a real estate project in accordance with the law must have equity of at least 20% of the total investment capital for projects with a land use area of less than 20 hectares, at least 15%...

The Legal Adjustment

When money is owed to a lender, debt adjustments are made by creditors or judges who release debtors from part of their obligations under current circumstances; such as insolvency. Set-offs, contributions and deferred receivables are also examples of adjustments. 2. Do not apply this adaptation if the Directive on infringements...

The Common Law Origins of the Infield Fly Rule

To stop double play on a flyball that is hit in the infield, whether the ball touches or traps even the infielder`s hands. I saw infielders catch the ball and yet the referees didn`t allow the game. There is much more disappointment on the part of spectators when such double...

Texas A&M Legal Clinic

Because clinics operate differently than teaching, writing, and other simulation courses, students should consider the following before enrolling: The clinic generally defines limited financial resources as gross annual income from all sources less than 300% of the federal poverty line for individuals and organizational budgets of $100,000 or less. Although...