It Perfectly Legal

Yet, how I love them. Perkins does what most white travel hosts with Oxbridge education cannot: go to other countries and behave. She is warm, silly, kind, unwritten, funny and respectful. So I have all the time in the world to watch her, and just she fires shots and throws...

Isolation Rules for Omicron Scotland

Self-isolation means staying home and not going out. Added a section on self-isolation exemptions for essential workers. Self-isolation has been imposed on people in countries around the world as one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Updated to refer to the self-isolation guide on NHS...

Is Wax Legal in New Mexico

Cannabis products can only be purchased legally at licensed dispensaries in the state. In 2007, the New Mexico legislature passed SB 523 or the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act. SB 523 legalized medical cannabis and established a system regulated by the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH). He tasked...

Is Two up Legal

Every other day of the year it is illegal (with a few exceptions) because it is an unregulated form of gambling and it is not something that our various governments particularly like. Since a betting round and a subsequent pirouette round take about a minute, and on average all three...

Is There a Legal Limit on Caffeine

There is no evidence that caffeine has a negative impact on driving ability, and several studies have shown that caffeine can even improve driving performance by increasing driver attention and attention. Their expert working group published a report on the safety of caffeine and came to the following conclusions. The...

Is the Law Done Away with God Forbid

You heard them say to the elders, "You shall not commit adultery." But I tell you, whoever looks at a woman to desire her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away from you;...

Is Tapping Phone Conversations Legal

Federal law requires notice of at least one party to an appeal (18 U.S.C. Sec. 2511(2)(d)). However, there is an exception for the "business phone" that allows employers to record calls on the phones they provide to employees. For more general information on this topic, see the OrecX resource on...

Is Space Cake Legal in India

According to NCB, a new trend is observed among teens to consume substances by mixing and baking brownie weed pot cakes. The central law dealing with cannabis (herb or marijuana) in India is the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropics Act 1985(1). However, different states have their own laws regarding the consumption,...

Is Sativa Legal in Alabama

There are many lakes and mountains, so recreational opportunities abound. However, cannabis is illegal in Alabama, except in the form of CBD oil, which is derived from hemp with less than 0.3% THC. Medical cannabis is also legal for registered patients and caregivers. In Alabama, delta-8 THC is legal under...

Is Quad Bike Legal in Bangladesh

On the longest beach in the world, Mahboub Alam turns on the engine of his 400-pound quad bike – paid for by British taxpayers. "Since I had this, my life has been so much better," he says. "And at the same time, I`m protecting the environment." That`s a strange claim...