International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Notes

The starting point is that, in situations of armed conflict, international humanitarian law is the principal applicable legal system, i.e. lex specialis, which governs the conduct of hostilities and the protection of persons in situations of armed conflict. This implies that there is a link between certain activities or treatments...

Intellectual Disability Legal Definition

It`s time to take a deep breath. Parents, you may have doubts about your child`s education and long-term future. Teachers, you can certainly see that educating students with intellectual disabilities comes with many challenges. Still, NICHCY emphasizes, "They will learn, but it will take longer." A diagnosis often determines eligibility...

Initiatory Pleading Legal Definition

In its final form in the 19th century, common law advocacy was, by modern standards, terribly complex and slow. Parties would normally go through several rounds of oral argument before assuming that the parties had clearly stated their controversy, so that the case was "contentious" and could go to court....

Indiana Department of Corrections Legal Department

Disclaimer: Justia Annotations is a forum for lawyers to summarize, comment on and analyze case law published on our website. Justia makes no warranty that the comments are accurate or reflect current legal status, and no comment is intended and should not be construed as legal advice. Contacting Justia or...

Income Tax Serial Number

A TIN is identical to a tax identification number because it stands for tax identification number or tax identification number. The TIN, also known as a tax identification number, is mandatory for anyone who files annual tax returns with the IRS, which the agency uses to track taxpayers. Applicants must...

In Legal Terms What Is a Fiduciary

The responsibilities and duties of a trustee are both ethical and legal. If a party knowingly assumes a fiduciary duty on behalf of another party, it is required to act in the best interests of the principal, that is, the client or the party whose assets it manages. This is...

Important Points regarding Gauss Law

Strictly speaking, Coulomb`s law cannot be derived from Gauss`s law alone, since Gauss`s law does not provide information on the curvature of E (see Helmholtz decomposition and Faraday`s law). However, Coulomb`s law can be proved from Gauss`s law if it is further assumed that the electric field of a point...

Immigration Law Firms in Oregon

Our team of immigration lawyers, paralegals and law clerks from Orange County and Portland have a passion for immigration rights, human rights, family cohesion and successfully achieving immigration benefits for our clients. We have a diverse team – with team members who have gone through the immigration process themselves or...

Illegal Agreement and Void Agreement Difference

However, a contract may be void even if it is lawful. One of the main reasons why a contract becomes invalid is when one of the parties is unable to work and is not allowed to adhere to a contract. v. Edems and Ajayi (1958) NRLR 33. Another law is...

Idaho Rules of Evidence Foundation

Section 1004. Admissibility of other evidence. Article 1102 Effects on laws and rules of evidence. Rules of evidence are a set of rules of evidence that authorize the collection, presentation and application of evidence on a case-by-case basis. The Idaho Rules of Evidence govern proceedings in the Idaho courts. These...