Held Meaning in Legal Terms

The glossary of legal terms defines more than 100 of the most common legal terms in easy-to-understand language. The terms are listed in alphabetical order and can be best accessed by selecting a letter here: Bail - Security for the release of a criminal accused or witness (usually in the...

Head of Legal Hrs

Technology is their other big goal. Their goal is to integrate legal services with the bank`s core software platforms so that employees across the bank can use self-service tools without having to go to a dedicated legal technology platform. He has worked to break down silos within his team and...

Has Legal Significance in Business Letter

Business letters are very important because they serve as a formal method of communication between people. They also provide valuable information on business issues and serve a legal purpose. These business letters are used as reference material for future transactions in the business sector. A business letter therefore acts as...

Hammer Driver Legal

The Hammer Driver has been around for some time and has recently been replaced by the Hammer X Golf Driver. Thanks to a legendary infomercial that has truly captured the imagination of golf enthusiasts, the Hammer X is one of the most intriguing non-compliant drivers on the market. When you...

Guitarfish Legal Size

Many anglers overlook guitar fish shoveling when it comes to surf fishing. They are usually placed in the same category as rays: pesky fish that you hope you don`t have to deal with. In my opinion, fish guitars in spades are an incredibly fun catch. First of all, they are...

Gross Negligence Legal Definition Canada

(i) in the Province of Quebec, gross or wilful misconduct on the part of the owner of the land, There have been cases suggesting that a party is grossly negligent only when there is wilful misconduct or wilful indifference to the consequences. While these two factors are compelling indicators of...

Gras Legal Auto Fahren

The new federal government, consisting of the SPD, Greens and FDP, agreed in its coalition agreement to allow the sale of cannabis as a stimulant in licensed stores – the supply of cannabis flowers, i.e. marijuana (the resin obtained from it is then called hashish) for medical purposes by the...

Government Legal Department Ministry of Defence

From complex government procurement to day-to-day business issues, it`s important that government agencies take advantage of all their contracts. To do this, GLD`s business lawyers provide legal advice on a wide range of issues, including public procurement law, contract law, intellectual property and state aid. We provide legal services to...

Good Faith Legal Meaning

In commercial and non-commercial law, persons who, in good faith, pay valuable consideration to a fraudulent seller for a property are protected from another person claiming the property. If a court finds that the buyer`s defense is bona fide, the person claiming ownership can only sue the fraudulent seller. Strong...

Glossary Legal Meaning

Legal interpretation - a procedure by which a court attempts to interpret the meaning and scope of a statute. Instructions from a judge to the jury before it begins deliberations on the substantive questions to be answered and the legislation to be applied. Written statements submitted to the court outlining...