Famous Legal Latin Maxims

53. Ignorantia juris non excusat – ignorance of the law is no excuse. Or ignorance of the law excuses no one. In other words, a person who is not aware of a law cannot escape responsibility for violating that law simply because he did not know its contents. Or leave...

Family Law Courthouse San Bernardino

Of all the issues our family law lawyers deal with, custody is the most important. Fortunately, this is the area of practice where we excel. Our on-call attorneys in San Bernardino are experienced in securing the custody of our clients. We have experience navigating San Bernardino`s family law courts in...

Factual Basis Law Definition

[236] Menschen v. Holmes, 9 Cal.Rptr.3d 678, 32 Cal.4th 432 (2004) (The convictions are invalid because, at the time of the pleas, the Tribunal did not establish a sufficient factual basis to support the pleas, since it did not examine the defendant`s facts and did not cite any particular document...

Extemporaneous Legal Meaning

But masterful speech is not its strongest quality; Kanye expresses himself creatively much better than in a conversation. His voicemails sometimes lasted several minutes in immaculate masterful prose. As you can read in the answers below, Stuart`s professional and legal opinion is that contemporary notes should not be altered except...

Explain Different Types of Legal Structures

Depending on their needs, many entrepreneurs also consult a lawyer. Some types of legal structures are easier to set up than others. For example, starting a sole proprietorship does not require you to file incorporation documents (although tax registration is still required), while for businesses like corporations and limited liability...

Exceptions to the Law of Dmu

The law of the diminution of marginal utility is a widespread concept in the world of economics. This helps us understand why a consumer is less and less satisfied with the consumption of each additional unit of a good. The law is based on the theory of ordinal utility and...

Example of Proximate Cause in Criminal Law

The third category of direct cause questions concerns situations in which the defendant`s action exposed a certain group of potential victims to a foreseeable risk, but the injured party did not belong to that group. Our previous discussion on the Palsgraf case is a perfect example. As you will recall,...

Evil Genius 2 System Requirements

Evil Genius 2 is the natural sequel to the 2004 classic. New evil geniuses, new minion types, and expanded bases round out this rather satisfying sequel, but a grindy mid-game and no minion control dampens the game`s brilliance a bit. What is an evil genius without a secret agent thwarting...

Eu Legal Institutions

Concluding a trade agreement requires most of the EU institutions. The European Union has managed a thicket of external and internal crises in recent years, including mass migration and Brexit. What are the central institutions of the Union and what role do they play? Today, the EU is a powerful...

Etc Definition Project Management

The Completion Estimate (ABC) calculates the total cost of the project at the end. However, ETC calculates the cost of the remaining labor at a given time. During the course of the project, it will be necessary to forecast the total projected funding needs. The two forecasts used are the...