What Is a Opc Company

Because the OPC is a private company, it is easy to organize fundraisers through venture capital, angel investors, incubators, etc. Banks and financial institutions prefer to lend to a company rather than a business. This makes it easy to get funding. Since only one person can set up and operate...

What Is a Legal Separation in Ireland

The main reasons and benefits of a legal separation agreement as a court order are: the spouse applying for legal separation is called the plaintiff, and the other spouse then becomes the defendant. This guide describes all the steps needed either to separate by agreement, i.e. using an age of...

What Is a Legal Baseline

Concepts such as harm, injury, advantage and advantage are pervasive in legal theory. Understanding these concepts requires an assessment of the basic problem. The purpose of this dictionary entry is to give the reader a basic understanding of what baselines are and how they can be challenged and defended. Of...

What Is a Fixture in Property Law

Necessarily and legally, property in the state of Florida can only fall into one of two categories: real estate attached to land such as a house, condominium, etc., or personal property – items such as cars, boats, and jewelry that are not attached to land. A fixed device is a...

What Is a Corporate Tax Entity

The purpose of this corporate report is to provide the Group department with up-to-date information on the company`s business and finances. In many cases, it is used to enable the state to determine and assess the correct amount of franchise taxes payable by the business. Yes, an unnoticed unit can...

What Happens If You Breach a Shareholders Agreement

In some cases, a court may order the specific performance of a contract as a whole or a specific contractual term that has been breached. The specific benefit is a remedy of fair nature. It is at the discretion of the court to order in the event of breach of...

What Does Will in Solemn Form Mean

The case of Römer Estate v. Tassone (2009) shows a case in which an executor is asked to prove a will in solemn form. The Romans donated his house to Tassone, but later signed in his will that a third party, the cardinal, received the house of the estate. After...

What Does the Legal Doctrine of Utmost Good Faith Require

The plaintiff is required by law to provide all essential facts as known, including details of what is to be insured and whether they have been denied insurance coverage in the past. This information is used by insurers to decide whether to insure the claimant and how much to charge...

What Does Posturing Mean in Legal Terms

But if you can look through all the legal poses, a pretty accurate portrait of Sterling himself begins to emerge. In a divorce and legal separation case, this also results in the issuance of automatic injunctions for the non-sale or non-transfer of assets and accounts, and also prevents children from...

What Does Legal System Mean to You

A number of other countries have a dual system. In such a system, religious rules govern and religious courts rule on matters such as marriage, divorce and family relations. However, a secular system with state courts covers the broader areas of public and commercial law. This was the situation in...