What Does It Mean to Be Legally Separated in Michigan

Legal separation does not end the relationship between husband and wife. Custody determination, parental leave and child support are all legal issues that must be decided in the event of a legal separation. Legal separation and divorce are two different legal procedures. Legal separation does not end a marriage. You...

What Does Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law Mean

"Title color" in property law refers to a claim to title that appears valid but may be legally incorrect. The color of the title may appear if there is evidence, such as writing, indicating a valid legal title. The courts have ruled that documents are only the colour of the...

What Documents Do I Need to Get Married in North Carolina

The legal age of marriage in North Carolina is 18. Persons over the age of 16 and under the age of 18 may only be married with signed parental consent or a court order. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 16 to marry in North Carolina. You...

What Do Legal Personnel Do

The twelve months of the student body include the six non-practicing months, which could be described as the theoretical phase; Students will accompany their master student to chambers and on court trips to learn advocacy and paperwork skills, the final six months will be practical, and students will begin (on...

What Choice Is an Accurate Definition of a Hypothesis

An example of an unverifiable statement is: "Everyone falls in love at least once." The definition of love is subjective. In addition, it would be impossible to ask each person about their love life. However, an unverifiable statement can be reworded to make it testable. For example, the previous statement...

What Are the Unique Business Ideas

To help you out, I`ve put together small business ideas for anyone who wants to run their own business. Use it as a starting point to spark your own unique ideas: many women have built a business empire with Etsy, and so have you. Start-up costs can add up quickly,...

What Are the Rules for Legal Aid

Private lawyers, legal aid clinics and advocacy groups with lawyers often handle cases that fall within their particular area of interest. For example, you might be able to get free help from a lawyer for a wage discrimination lawsuit against an employer if it has the potential to become a...

What Are the New Laws on Leasehold

The Leasehold Advisory Association is a key player in the reform. The association is governed by a board appointed by the Secretary of State for Levelling and Housing. Their website is full of independent advice and information. Other official links to information on heritable building reform are the House of...

What Are the Legal Consequences for Civil Disobedience

The conventional definition of civil disobedience leaves open some fundamental and difficult questions about its justifying causes and permissible scope and objectives. For example, how can we know that the protesters` demands for injustice are valid and that the changes they demand are salutary? How can civil disobedience be declared...

What Are the Ethical and Legal Responsibilities of a Nurse

By uniting behind this promise in large numbers, nurses and other health professionals are sending a strong message to policymakers, health care associations, and the American public that future attempts to engage health professionals to design, investigate, or enforce practices that lead to serious physical or mental abuse will not...