50/50 Legal Custody in Michigan

During the first divorce or custody proceedings, the court uses a standard of “predominance of evidence” to determine who will prevail. This represents about 51% of the evidence in favor of the party seeking custody. Before a court considers a change of custody, a party must assert and prove that there is a “valid reason” for a change or that there is a “change in circumstances,” which means more than a small or insignificant change. You and your child`s other parent may be able to determine your children`s custody and parenting time. If you cannot agree, the judge will decide custody and parenting time based on the best interests of the child. This legal test requires the judge to consider these 12 factors: Joint custody usually means that parents: Joint custody would normally give each party the right to receive timely copies of the child`s certificates and current school photos. If you`re like most parents, writing down a parenting schedule will seem daunting. How do you write something that meets legal requirements and doesn`t leave loose endings? Second, when a party reaches the level of a change of custody by proving a change in circumstances or a valid reason, that party must meet a heavier burden or evidence called “clear and convincing.” This is more likely to account for 75% of the factors that favor the party seeking custody. In short, it`s a big mistake to settle for some form of detention because you believe you can just wait a while and then ask for a change without many facts changing.

There are several ways custody is decided in Michigan. First, a party demands what it wants in the divorce action or response to that complaint. In Michigan, a separation agreement is called the Separate Maintenance Judgment (JSM). A JSM allows the parties to resolve ownership, custody and support issues, but does not provide for divorce. Either party may at any time request the court to convert the JSM into a divorce decree ending the marriage between the parties. The conditions of the JSM may be included in the divorce decree. Yes. Courts may grant what is known as “shared custody,” which means that one or more of the children live with one parent and one or more of the children with the other parent. In these cases, it would be typical to have the children with their respective custodial parents during the week, and on the first and third weekends, all the children would be with one parent, while on the second and fourth weekends, all the children would be with the other parent. This allows siblings to spend time together. In Michigan, it is the friend of the court`s labor court to investigate custody, parenting time, and support, and make recommendations. Ad Litems tutors are rarely used in custody matters; They are usually sought to represent children who have been victims of abuse or neglect.

After verifying the information, the court friend`s assessor makes a recommendation. If both parents accept the recommendation, the court may consider issuing an injunction that converts the recommendation into a court injunction. If one or both parties reject the recommendation, the court will hold a hearing to determine the next step. At the hearing, the court could accept the recommendation if it is consistent with the status quo or hold a hearing of evidence to decide what legal and physical custody should look like during the pending case. The court could also decide to send the case to an “arbitrator” of a friend of the court for a hearing. The arbitrator is a lawyer appointed by the friend of the court to preside over these hearings, which take place in a conference room of the friend of the court. The most common temporary orders are for child or spousal support and custody. These orders are intended to structure and financially support the parties and their children during the ongoing divorce. A court may issue an injunction if one of the parties requests entry. After filing a custody decision, a parent must obtain permission from the court to make a change of residence of more than 100 miles or outside the state of Michigan. If the parent tries to leave the state, they must obtain permission from the other parent or the court.

A child`s preference may be taken into account if he or she is of such age and maturity as the court deems sufficient to express an appropriate preference. It is up to each judge to consider the child`s opinion in a custody dispute. Joint custody in Michigan is an important consideration in any divorce and custody case in Michigan. If the judge determines that an ECE exists, a higher standard of proof is required to change custody. The person who wants the change must prove with clear and convincing evidence that the change is in the best interests of the child. If the judge determines that there is no EWC, the person requesting the change of custody must prove by a preponderance of evidence that the change is in the best interests of the child. In some cases, the FOC does not make a recommendation and parents go directly to a final custody hearing. Yes. Michigan has a child custody law that includes a list of best interest factors. This is used to decide custody when people have never been married to each other.

If persons have been married, there is a divorce law that includes provisions on the distribution of property and alimony. Interestingly, the divorce law refers people to the custody law to get the list of best interest factors, so the custody issues are the same whether the parents have already been married or not. Custody refers to the actual physical residence of the child. Joint custody allows the child to maintain a residence with both parents, with one parent usually being the primary guardian and the other parent having parental leave on a fixed schedule. Sole custody means that the child lives with only one parent. The other parent may or may not have parental leave or access rights. Yes. The parties often reach a settlement themselves or with the help of their lawyers. Less than 10% of divorce or custody cases are brought before the courts. To prepare for a possible custody recommendation, it`s a good idea to attend all your FOC meetings with a proposed parenting plan. The court must deal with the parental situation before the divorce or custody case has been filed. The court must determine whether there is a custodial environment established with one or both parents.

An established child care environment is a physical and psychological environment that develops over a considerable period of time and duration. In Michigan, all custody decisions must be in the best interests of the children. The factors that a judge takes into account are: (For more information on physical custody, we have what you need. Visit this link for detailed information on child custody and child support in Michigan – click here.) You may decide that you want a lawyer to help you with your case. If you have a low income, you may be eligible for free legal services. Whether you have a low income or not, you can use the Legal Aid Guide to find lawyers in your area. If you are not eligible for free legal services and cannot afford high legal fees, you should hire a lawyer for part of your case instead of the whole. This is called limited-scope representation.

For more information, read Limited Scope Representation (LSR): A More Affordable Way to Hire a Lawyer. The parties may also negotiate a custody arrangement, and the judge will accept it if he or she determines that it is in the best interests of the children.