Are Tinted Windows Legal in Ontario

Many car owners keep valuables in their cars that can attract the attention of thieves if left in sight. But by rubbing the rear side windows and rear window of your car, you can store valuables in the back seat without having to worry about someone being tempted to break into your car. Yes, disc coloring is legal in Ontario, but only to a certain extent. According to subsection 73(3) of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, “no person shall drive in a motor vehicle on which the surface of the windshield or window directly to the left or right of the driver`s seat has been covered with a coloured spray or other coloured or reflective material that significantly obscures the interior.” Later, in January 2017, a new law was passed for automakers to ban any tinting of glass on the windshield of vehicles. The law also establishes a percentage of taking into account the tint of the windows of 30% darkness on the left and right front windows. There are no restrictions or specific glass tint percentages for the rear or rear windows. The most common question for many car owners is whether car shade is legal in Ontario. The answer is that the hue of cars, while popular, is not entirely legal in Ontario. There are many laws that car owners must follow before embarking on dyeing their cars. When he recently spoke to another merchant about this issue, he found that he had seen an increase in the number of vehicles that did not comply with the province`s safety inspections because the tint of the windows was too dark.

However, I am not necessarily convinced that there has been an increase in the number of vehicles with an illegal shade. Depending on the province you live in, tinted windows are different. In some places, you can have your front windows tinted; in others, it is illegal. Here`s an overview of tinted window laws across Canada: Tinted windows may be a desirable addition to your vehicle, but it`s important to understand the laws Ontario applies to them. We break down some of these limitations as well as the general pros and cons so you can make an informed decision for your vehicle. Front side windows can only have 70% VLT (visible light transmission) if they were originally manufactured as such. Vehicle inspection regulations also allow 70% VLT, which means your vehicle will pass the inspection if the front side windows allow for more than 70% light transmission. The police must also be able to see the drivers clearly. As frustrating as it may seem that police can have tinted windows while civilians can`t, think about it from their perspective: the police don`t know what situation they`ll find themselves in when they stop a car. Yukon regulations state that windows must not be covered in a way that makes driving unsafe.

Check with local authorities if you are traveling there or currently living there, and ask yourself if your windows will be tinted. Therefore, the tinting of the front side windows should only be done at your own risk. Using a high VLT shade like 90% means most police officers won`t bother you, but be aware that they can technically do. Use 70% VLT only if you are sure that OEM windows are not yet tinted. Keep in mind that what might be legal in your province may not be legal in the next province, so be careful when choosing between window tint options. When you`re ready to add hues to your car, we have information on the shade percentages you can choose from. The most common choice is tinted to 50%, which is in line with provincial laws, but also helps block UV rays. If theft is your main concern in relation to your vehicle, we recommend that you opt for a shade of 20%. This is a darker option that still respects all provincial laws.

And if you are looking for an even darker look, you can opt for a shade of 5%. However, this can be a risky choice and is usually only used for private cars and sedans. It is common for car owners to leave their valuables in their car. Coloring the rear windows and hiding your valuables under the back seat makes it difficult for thieves to recognize these items and be tempted to break into the car. For those who own a compact RV, tinting the windows helps ensure privacy for the time you want to camp in the car. In the Yukon, there are no specific laws on the tinting of windows.

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