Areas De Medicina Legal

Commonly known as forensic medicine (forum: to stay in ancient times in the forums or courts where this discipline was practiced), two schools are currently distinguished: the Latin school, where forensic doctors are trained, and the Anglo-Saxon school, where forensic doctors are trained. Forensic medicine is closely linked to medical expertise. Both live in the space between medicine and law, trying to provide technical medical explanations of events that have certain legal implications. If you are interested in this important branch of medicine, we can offer you this course in forensic medicine that will teach you all the basics and basics that the coroner should know. Forensic medicine is used and especially thanatology when it is necessary: it is the part of forensic and forensic medicine that studies biological or bodily fluids (blood, semen, saliva, sweat, tears, vitreous body, etc.) to achieve one of the following objectives: These specialists apply procedures and methods specific to the field of forensic and forensic medicine. as well as in the professional competence acquired as a research assistant for the analysis, identification and solution of medical law issues raised by the respective stands. As a branch of forensic medicine that studies poisons in relation to a criminal act, it establishes the relationship between causes of death and their complications. This helps us determine the toxic substances present, their concentrations and their effects on the injured person`s human organism or on the corpse. Forensic medicine first appeared in Germany in the sixteenth century: the Caroline law promulgated by Charles V in 1532 obliged medical experts (mainly barber surgeons of the time) to intervene in corpses in cases of intentional or involuntary manslaughter and to impose a penalty adapted to injuries. In 1536, Francis I of France wrote a decree for the Duke of Brittany that organized the beginning of forensic medicine. [3] A medico-legal or medico-legal autopsy is the examination of the body to determine whether they are pathological changes or injuries that serve to clarify the cause of death in a legal matter for which it is necessary to disclose the reason for the death and whether the death was due to a criminal offence. We can briefly define ethics as a set of moral standards that govern the behavior of the person in all areas of life and the forensic pathologist as an expert in forensic and forensic medicine. Forensic experts are needed to perform the evaluation of health care for patients according to the following criteria: forensic pathologists are known par excellence for the autopsies they perform on deceased patients, which is one of the main tasks to which they are dedicated, and many autopsies performed are judicial, that is, they are done to determine the causes of violent death.

As a professional directly involved in legal processes, forensic studies are the most relevant to society, as these professionals are required to testify in court on numerous occasions. Those who carry out this work are forensic pathologists, whose name has evolved to become that of forensic pathologist, as they currently cover a wider field of action due to the development of medical society and its relationship with the law. As part of what forensic medicine studies, doctors of this specialization are associated with different fields of study and practice and have different tasks to perform in the legal and medical field: for this purpose, notes are taken on all the characteristics and details that can provide clues about a medico-legal or medical legal problem. The forensic experts of the PJ GROUP are experts in the field that exists in relation to the medical discipline with the legal system. It is the field of forensic and forensic medicine that examines every change in health and any other damage that leaves a material trace on the human body. The change in anatomical structure may or may not affect the functioning of an organ or tissue due to external or internal influences that can cause injury in a given time and space. Forensic psychiatry includes psychiatric, medical and legal terms and is defined as the application of clinical psychiatry to law (criminal law, civil law, labor, canon). Have you ever heard of forensics? It is the branch of medicine responsible for intervening in criminal and judicial proceedings, it is carried out when there are deaths of people who trigger investigations to determine the cause of death. This direction can be of great help to the court if there is an open case, so today we will know what forensic medicine is studying.

In all aspects of medicine, it must be carried out in accordance with the ethical principles of action for each of the areas of the relationship in society or its specificity resulting from the relationship between the doctor and the patient. In addition, these forensic pathology experts are licensed physicians who have knowledge in the analysis of: Forensic genetics is the specialty of forensic medicine that identifies victims of crime or disasters, establishes biological relationships between humans and rejects, or involves suspects of a crime. It is usually performed in an institute of forensic medicine. The knowledge gained to understand what forensic studies make specialists in this field certain skills that others do not have, so that their skills allow them: forensic science is a multidisciplinary field in contact with the law and the legal system. Thus, our doctors can have knowledge in pathologies, biology, genetics, etc. It allows you to perform autopsies, investigate crime scenes and accidents. Once the examination is complete, the coroner writes the protocol in a clear, concise and non-technical manner so that it is understandable to non-medical professionals, including all autopsy results in the report. Incorporate everything into an expert opinion or medico-legal report.

Forensic medicine also deals with aspects of professional practice, such as the ethical and legal regulatory framework of the profession and professional liability. Professionals responsible for development must be able to prepare legal documents such as certificates of injury, drunkenness and death. The criminal physician is responsible for the inquest of possible crimes or crimes, must visit the scene of the event and assess the victim, biological remains and other evidence that helps clarify the facts. What studies forensic medicine is quite broad, the coroner has various functions, since it is a specialization that only expands the knowledge of medicine and in addition, the professional will have direct responsibility with the judiciary.

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