Ba International Studies Ukzn Requirements

Each option in the major requires 35 credits. This is done in addition to meeting the introductory requirements. Students choose a regional studies course (above) and option-specific requirements for core courses, questions, and choice.1 If you have not yet applied to Wright State, complete the application for admission and list international studies as your planned major. The Dayton Council on World Affairs (DCOWA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to “promote informed opinion and decision-making on international issues.” DCOWA offers a variety of events each year that engage the community on a variety of global issues. The major in International Studies is led by Erica Simmons, Associate Professor of Political Science. Drawing on a three-hour seminar in political science, PLS 4860/6860, Wright State`s Model UN team focuses on diplomacy, teamwork, problem solving, public speaking, technical writing, and research. Students participate in regional and international simulations and earn top honors each spring at the National Model United Nations Conference in New York City. Visit the Model UN website to learn more. Paid internships are available at most of the more than 265 U.S. embassies, consulates, and missions with international organizations around the world, as well as at the State Department in Washington, D.C., and other locations in the United States. You will gain first-hand hands-on experience and learn the realities of cooperation in and with public and foreign service professionals at the forefront of America`s diplomatic efforts. To receive honors in the major in International Studies, students must meet both the requirements of the major (above) and the following additional requirements: • Medicine (MBChB): Form and payment to reach CAD or UKZN before June 30• Medicine does not consider international applications.• All other programs: REACH CAO or UKZN before September 30. • The application form is available at: “UKZN under “Apply to UKZN”; OR » Available more information, PLEASE CONTACT:Tel: +27 (0)31 260 2238/2212/7577/7877/2011/3417/2212; +27 (0)33 260 5212/ 5214/5022 This option provides a multidisciplinary overview of international economic and political institutions and transactions, as well as policy issues related to international trade, international financial and monetary relations, international macroeconomic policy coordination, U.S.

trade imbalances, aid and development, and related environmental and resource issues. Studying internationally and studying abroad are a natural combination. Although study abroad is not a prerequisite for the major, all IS students are strongly encouraged to gain significant international experience during their bachelor`s career. Whether through study abroad, an internship or service learning, the experience of studying or working in a foreign culture is invaluable. Many courses taken abroad are credited to the SI major. Specific guidelines can be found in the IS consultant. You can find more information about studying abroad and internships under International Academic Programs. The IS major complements many majors throughout the campus.

Many students choose to double their major or enhance their studies with one or more certificates, such as the Global Health Certificate or those offered by study centers in the region. • The application for admission to full-time undergraduate studies must be submitted directly to UKZN via the UKZN form for admission to undergraduate (international) studies. To be eligible to declare the major in International Studies, a student must have taken these courses: the Major in International Studies encourages students to engage in undergraduate research. There are many programs that offer research opportunities for UW-Madison students, including: The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies program consists of three parts: three years of studying a foreign language; core courses, which include introductory work in art history, economics, geography, history, political science, religion and women`s studies; and work in a specialized field. All students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison must meet a minimum of general higher education requirements to ensure that each graduate acquires the essential core of an undergraduate education. This core creates a foundation for a productive life, a global citizen, an appreciation of aesthetic values and a commitment to lifelong learning in an ever-changing world. Various schools and colleges have requirements in addition to the requirements listed below. If necessary, contact your advisor for assistance. For more information, see the General Undergraduate Education Requirements section of the guide. The areas of interest of the International Studies major offer six options: International Diplomacy and Peace Studies; Regional studies in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America or the Middle East; Comparative cultures; International Economic Affairs; Global Gender Studies; and Research and Intelligence Analyst. Non-L&S students who have permission from their school/college to pursue an additional major within L&S only have to meet the main requirements.

You do not have to meet the L&S closing requirements mentioned above. Qualification tables indicate the minimum score/number of points, subject requirements and required levels of achievement in certain subjects. For each qualification, two different scores are assigned in the table. The first score applies to NSC-Deg scores and is called the composite Academic Performance Score (APS), and the second score, called the application cut score, applies to senior certificate results. The criteria in the tables are the minimum entry requirements. Due to space restrictions in the programs, not all applicants who meet the selection requirements can be offered places. Students must declare the major, meet the general requirements and requirements for any of these options in the Major in International Studies: Majors in International Studies are highly recommended for studying abroad. The International Studies Major website provides information on how to plan your experience abroad. The URL link for candidates to apply online can be found on under Apply to UKZN or the URL link is gw1pkg.gw1view Although some courses are identified as acceptable for two or more requirements, a course can only meet one requirement within the major. For example, a course that can be counted in Option Core or Option Issues meets only one of these requirements, depending on the requirement that the course must meet. The final audit (DARS) determines the best scenario.

The advisors for the major in International Studies are Dr. Csanád Siklós and Molly Donnellan. During your studies of how cultural, historical, political and economic forces affect international relations, you will gain a better understanding of yourself and others. The major promotes civic engagement and social responsibility, and promotes learning and science while serving the community at the local, state, national and international levels by preparing you to be an informed citizen of the world.

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