Christian Legal Centre Jobs

Christian Concern speaks of Jesus Christ in public life in light of the key issues facing society. We are particularly active in the media, law, politics and government. Through the Christian Legal Centre, we provide legal support to Christians who face challenges in the workplace because of their Christian faith. Many of our cases have made headlines in recent years. We also help churches and Christians get involved in public life. The Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic believes that everyone should have access to justice, regardless of income, which is why we offer free legal services to those who cannot afford it. We are a faith-based organization that seeks to show God`s heart for justice by serving and empowering all customers, regardless of their origin or religion. Our goal is to free our clients from the legal burdens that have prevented them from thriving. The clinic`s headquarters are located in Indianapolis, but we also provide services throughout the state. Promote justice through legal representation and legal education for our low-income neighbors to demonstrate the love of Christ. *Source: 93% of our clients live with at least two of the highest risk factors for violence. We connect our clients with comprehensive support services that address these risk factors and their housing, education, mental health, addiction treatment and employment needs. Justice Rising: Project 77 is a coalition committed to community restorative justice in Chicago`s 77 neighborhoods.

In each of these neighbourhoods, clients under the age of 25 receive an LCLC lawyer and are surrounded by the services of Justice Rising`s partners. A safer Chicago is possible. In four of Chicago`s most segregated, underfunded, and heavily guarded neighborhoods, we are breaking the deadly cycle of violence, cultivating restorative justice, and promoting real change. One of the most important means we often try to end violence in this country is imprisonment. And it didn`t work. But our solution does. For more than 12 years, LCLC has been preventing violence by keeping youth out of the prison system, keeping them out of the deadly cycle of arrest/detention/recidivism/recidivism, and connecting them with the holistic community support they need to find a meaningful path forward. And once young people enter the criminal justice system, their chances of leaving it permanently are terribly low. We work exclusively with young adults under the age of 25 in Chicago who are trapped in the cycle of crime, poverty and violence – 89% of our clients are men. 98% are black. 29% are under the age of 18.

We help them avoid imprisonment and permanent crimes and offer them holistic support. Together, we connect every teen or young adult with services for employment, school, trauma counselling, health care, mental health, entrepreneurship, mentoring, housing, spiritual counselling, sport, violence prevention and substance abuse. And the vision of justice does not stop there. Justice for the weak so that all can prosper. Click here to register or sponsor the 11th Annual Gala, which will take place on Thursday, March 3rd. November 2022 at Morgan Manufacturing! Click here for the amount of sponsorship benefits!.

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