Community Law

We are currently working with local organizations and officials to ensure that resources are available to help community members through this difficult time. To help you answer your important questions, we`ve compiled the list of helpful resources below. We are strongly committed to holistic legal aid for low-income residents. Community Legal Aid SoCal promotes equal access to the justice system through advocacy, self-help services, community building, legal advice and representation. We provide free and high-quality civil law services to the most vulnerable members of society whose human rights and basic needs are threatened and for whom there are significant obstacles to justice. We count on your support to continue to serve the community. “I am proud to honor the Community Law Project as the Nonprofit Of the Year for District 78 of the Assembly. Their services are vital to so many San Diegans who would otherwise be without legal representation due to financial hurdles,” said Ward, a member of the assembly. By offering law students the opportunity to work side by side with lawyers from diverse backgrounds and in an environment that exposes them to the needs of our community, CLP is training the next generation of civic leaders. “The Community Law Project is honored to have been selected as The Nonprofit of the Year by Assembly Member Christopher Ward,” said Dana Sisitsky, Executive Director of CLP. “Our staff, students and volunteers are proud of our achievements in making San Diego a more just community and appreciate this recognition. The City of Berkeley has increased funding for the EBCLC Berkeley Retention Program in light of the covid-19 crisis. Due to the incredibly high volume of applications, there are now two organizations that process applications – the East Bay Community Law Center (EBCLC) and the Eviction Defenses Center (EDC).

The request and processing are the same regardless of the organization you contact. CLP will be among the nonprofits that will be honored at a California Nonprofit Day luncheon in Sacramento on Wednesday, June 8, on the Capitol`s West Side lawn. In 2019, more than 70 lawyers from the East Bay Community Law Center joined ESC Local 20. This group includes lawyers, researchers, social workers, therapists, paralegals, development coordinators, administrative assistants, legal secretaries and co-op staff. The EBCLC organizing committee worked tirelessly to secure strong support for all job titles and programs and lay the foundation for a strong union. – A notice is a document that states something the landlord wants you to start or stop doing, otherwise your landlord will file an eviction lawsuit against you. Notices are not submitted to the court. Usually, you know that your landlord gave you a notice because he was attached to your door. Common reviews should be praised or harassed. From now on, an eviction notice can only be issued if there is an imminent risk to health and safety, if there is an official order such as a red label issued by Code Enforcement or if the landlord wishes to permanently remove all rental housing from that property. – A subpoena and a complaint follow a notification and are required for any eviction action. They are submitted to the court.

Recent rule changes have prevented all landlords from giving a subpoena and complaint to a tenant during the COVID-19 emergency, unless eviction is necessary to protect public health and safety. – However, if, after 12 months, the tenant has not repaid the outstanding rent or has entered into a repayment agreement with the landlord, a tenant can be sued for the overdue rent as if it were a consumer debt – so that, although he cannot lose his apartment on the overdue rent, it could be the subject of an action for recovery, which could lead to wage garnishments or bank deductions. Making Sense of Federal Student Loan Repayment Relief During the 2019 COVID-19 Spring Immersion Trip to the U.S.-Mexico Border If you have any further questions about your rights as a tenant or need legal advice, please contact: Are you a small business or non-profit organization? Below are some resources to help you and your employees through these difficult times: Below is a list of eligibility requirements that are also listed on the City of Berkeley website: * La clínica no avisa en los préstamos de la casa. Si tiene preguntas o problemas con el pago mensual, por favor llama al Housing and Economic Rights Advocates (510) 271-8443 ext. 300 o Bay Area Legal Aid 1-800-551-5554. Who automatically receives the Economic Impact Payment without taking any additional action? By clicking “Non-Filers: Enter Payment Information Here” above, you will switch from the IRS website to Free File Fillable Forms, an IRS Certified Partner. This website is safe and secure. The Katharine & George Alexander Community Law Center educates law students to the highest professional and ethical standards by serving individuals and communities in need with competence, conscience and compassion through legal representation and pro bono education. Learn more about our mission, insight and history.

Equifax, Experian and TransUnion are offering free online weekly reports on by April 2021 due to the temporary suspension, we strongly recommend that individuals file tax returns as soon as possible to ensure their tax returns are protected by this temporary policy. To learn more about the policy, please read the following information or visit Our courses for Santa Clara law students give students hands-on experience in: CLP`s collaboration model also integrates other services, such as medical care, into clinics in the area, reflecting the often complex needs of the population. “Nonprofits play a vital role in our communities, and the past two years of the pandemic have only underscored that,” said Jan Masaoka, CEO of the California Association of Nonprofits (CalNonprofits), which serves as a partner for this awards program. “The California Nonprofit of the Year gives elected officials the opportunity to shine a light on the important work that nonprofits do in their counties and for all those who value the collective impact of nonprofits in our communities.” Providing pro bono advice and representationworkers` rights, consumer rights, and immigration rights The Community Law Project (CLP) is one of more than a hundred nonprofit organizations honored throughout California for their outstanding contributions to the communities they serve. You can provide the IRS with the necessary information easily and quickly for free via non-filers: Enter the payment information. We use this information to determine your eligibility and payment amount and to send you an economic impact payment. After providing this information, you do not need to take any further action. View summaries of past events and find out all the details about upcoming events.

If you have any legal issues that do not fall into the categories listed below, please call our front desk for more information or recommendations at (510) 548-4040. – If a subpoena is served on you, you MUST ALWAYS respond promptly to protect your rights, even if the lawsuit should not have been filed. When you call us, we may inform you of your rights and what you need to do to protect those rights. Follow these steps to provide your information: **Please note**: If you have already contacted one of the two organizations, you do not need to do so again. EBCLC and EDC coordinate and follow up on all requests. Please do not contact both organizations, as this only slows down our ability to respond quickly to tenants. New Resource: A List of Relief Funds for Undocumented Workers in California WELCOME: For the health and safety of all, the Law Center`s reception desk is temporarily closed for walk-in visits. For the best access to our customer service, please call (408) 288-7030. Thank you! – Refusal to provide a tenant with the necessary documents to receive rental assistance from a third party 5. Your household income is currently 80% of the region`s median income or less (see table below) – Drop off an illegal inmate for non-payment if the non-payment is due to a loss of income related to COVID-19, direct medical expenses or exceptional childcare needs To obtain additional legal assistance, please call us for free legal advice at 510-548-4040. More information from the FTC: If you were unable to pay your April rent due to financial losses related to COVID-19, you should immediately notify your landlord in writing.

You can use this sample letter to let your landlord know. After being contacted by an EBCLC representative, you will be asked to provide documents for this application. Please start compiling this documentation now: Number III: Economic Impact Payments (“Recovery Cheques”) and COVID-19 For more information, please contact us at (510) 548-4040 – From now on, any rent incurred after 30 days from the time of the emergency lifts could become the basis for an eviction action for non-payment of rent. even if there is a reason related to COVID-19. If you think you may be eligible, please call EBCLC at 510-548-4040 ext. 695 or EDC 510-452-4541 and leave a message. Please include in your message your (1) name, (2) phone number, and (3) that you are a Berkeley resident seeking help. Due to the incredibly high volume of calls, an EBCLC or EDC representative will call you back within 3-5 business days to determine your eligibility. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time. CLP provides vital pro bono legal services to low-income individuals in the greater San Diego area.

Many of his clients often do not have the resources to access legal representation or need help navigating the legal system.

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