Counsel Legal Company

If your interest in doing business stems from the intersection of a company`s interests and the law, a career as a business consultant might be a good choice. Whether it`s providing an overview of internal documents or representing a company in court, a business consultant has an impact on a business in a variety of ways. This is a fundamental position in business operations and will continue to be necessary as long as companies need to balance their business interests with legal compliance. Practical guides that highlight the evolving role and global nature of a GC, including leadership, business navigation, career development and management of legal services. To promote this value, we created our “My In-House Counsel” subscription plan to support businesses that need legal service. Of all the moving parts involved in conducting business, a company needs a reliable analyst who can sift through laws, restrictions, and other compliance regulations to ensure a company is legally on track. Enter a business consultant. A business consulting position can earn you an average salary of $115,260, according to Payscale. Salaries for this position are typically between $74,000 and $175,000.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, attorney employment is expected to increase by eight percent from 2016 to 2026. To take an example of a single industry, think of all the emerging start-ups entering the tech space. These companies need legal advice and representation, and an expansion of more and more companies entering emerging industries is leading to a growth in the employment statistics of business consultants. Company Counsel, LLC is led by Bernard A. Williams, Esq., an experienced lawyer who has honed his craft at some of the country`s top law firms. As a business owner, Bernard has seen first-hand that smart, forward-thinking legal counsel isn`t just a privilege for wealthier corporate conglomerates – every business needs smart legal advice and representation to survive, grow and maintain success. Essentially, any overlap with the law that a company encounters in the way it works is led by a management consultant for advice.

Your company`s needs are as unique as your work culture and creativity. Personalized advice makes all the difference. TIP: There are many automated solutions that can help business consultants resolve compliance issues, such as HR compliance software. “At one point, we used a different legal recruitment firm, but Hire Counsel gave us better candidates. We will no longer use anyone. Business consultants also play a role in shaping a company`s policies on industry-specific issues, corporate governance and regulations. Enterprise compliance involves many moving parts and sometimes challenges when trying to balance the profitability and efficiency of your business with legal certainty. Business consultants help negotiate these sometimes opposing elements of a company`s operations. First, anyone pursuing a career as a business consultant must first earn a Juris Doctor (JD) and pass a state bar exam.

To earn a Juris Doctor by going to law school, you must first have a bachelor`s degree. As a potential management consultant, it can be particularly helpful to have studied or specialized in corporate law during a bachelor`s degree career or at law school. A business consultant works directly for a company to help with any overlaps with the law or legal proceedings that a company may encounter while doing business. Below, we look at some of the responsibilities they face and various aspects of a career in corporate law. Provide legal services and advice to help small business owners feel informed, protected and confident. Most in-house legal lawyers would cost a company about $100,000 or more per year with benefits and a parking spot, but at Sparks Law we offer the same services at about 1.2% of that salary per year. Why are we doing this? Because we believe that every business, regardless of size, needs and deserves high-quality legal services and advice at a price they can easily afford. We talk a lot about being an “in-house team of lawyers,” a “general counsel,” and a “duty counsel,” but we still need to explain what that means. To be honest, the idea of a general counsel for a company was foreign to me until I went to law school. When I found out what that meant, I was thrilled! “It can be hard to get things done when you work in a large company.

Hire Counsel is fast, agile and supports us in many different and creative ways. Traditionally, companies have always had their own lawyer, but lawyers have become too expensive and business owners too often believe they can do it themselves with Google and legal services based on online templates. Bernard and his team have teamed up to help entrepreneurs and small business owners achieve their dreams, achieve their goals, and surpass opportunities by carefully considering their unique needs and working together to remove any potential legal hurdles along the way. High-level legal services delivered professionally in a way that makes sense for you and your business model. The legal “department” constantly reviews and updates the company`s legal documents, such as employment contracts, agreements with third parties or distributors, partnership agreements and, of course, contracts that occasionally fall on the desk of the business owner. The design and negotiation of contractual agreements such as real estate, real estate or equipment rental is also a central task of management consulting. A business is natural when it comes to wanting the best deal possible when it comes to any type of lease related to its operability, and the use of a business consultant to analyze and interpret all types of leases is necessary for the ability of many companies to enter into fair leases. A business consultant is well trained to review documents to determine their specific laws and meanings. These documents may include employee contracts, proposals, and other legal documents such as bylaws and non-disclosure agreements.

Most importantly, the General Counsel is there to answer questions and advise the business client. Business owners tend to have many questions, all of which are very important: a business consultant will also be available to consult with management, tax specialists, accountants and other employees or consultants. The weight companies attach to CRM is evident in every decision a company makes, from hiring to marketing to sales. A management consultant for employees clarifies the gray areas or questions a company may have about the activity in compliance with the law.

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