Definicion Medico Legal De Muerte

Although, from a legal point of view, the apparent death can have an effect on his doctor, because if he certifies a death in a case like this. Previously, it was known as catalepsy and for medical and legal purposes, it has no validity as it is the responsibility of psychiatry. DEATH: It is defined as the irreversible or permanent abolition of the vital functions of the organism. And for its practical purposes, it is divided into:CEREBRAL.- It is the result of a total interruption of the blood supply. Violent.- This is secondary to an external cause. As it can be due to a projectile from the fire branch, injuries caused by a knife or car accident, etc. In this section, from a legal point of view, it is appropriate to classify the cause of violent death as HOMICIDE, SUICIDAL or ACCIDENTAL.- It occurs in people with an apparent state of health, it is also called death weighing. This can be given by a massive myocardial infarction or by a vagal reflex. REAL.- It is secondary to a pathology in the final phase.

APPARENT: Or better known as catatonia, it is a psychotic episode in which the patient appears to be dead.

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