Georgia Record Retention Laws

The College is not required to retain records beyond the applicable retention period; However, depending on the resources available, it may choose to do so. In this case, records retained beyond their applicable retention period must be submitted in response to a valid subpoena or court order, a request from Georgia Open Records, or a similar request under federal or state laws or regulations. Records designed as “permanent” must be transferred to the university`s warehouse and designed as “archives” for long-term preservation. Storage: Positive drug test results: 5 years; Negative drug test results and drug test collection records: 2 years. The College`s records management officer is the Registrar or designate. The Records Management Officer is responsible for the regular and systematic implementation of the retention schedule and the management of the institution`s records management processes. The registrar of his or her agent is the custodian of the retention and storage schedule of EMC records. The duties of the Records Management Officer include developing and documenting procedures for high-quality records systems that meet the institution`s operational and legal requirements, regularly implementing retention schedules, coordinating the transfer and destruction of college records, suspending program activities as required, training staff on records management policies and procedures; Maintain records of the implementation of an enterprise disaster recovery plan and document the implementation of the program. The file includes information on the location of current records, documentation of records that are not in the custody of the College, documentation of disposal of inactive records, provision of written procedures for all records management activities, and compliance with reporting requirements. Description: This series documents contractual negotiations and agreements between the institution and the collective bargaining unit and industrial relations planning.

Records may include, but are not limited to: collective agreements and amendments; provisional agreements; the arbitrator`s recommendations; negotiating notes; strike contingency plans; management`s counter-proposals; updates on negotiations; Cuts; Press releases; background documents for research; employee classification printouts; Equitable sharing registries; Protocol; Records; Exhibitions; and the record of the debates. These schedules include minimum retention periods for records created by local governments and have been approved by the State Archives Committee as required by the O.C.G.A. § 50-18-92. The retention period of a record is determined by the historical, administrative, financial and legal value of the information it contains, not by the format of the record. Retention schedules apply to documents stored in analog and digital formats. Description: This series documents leave requests and leave entitlements granted by employees in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Family and Sick Leave Act. Records may include, but are not limited to: employee leave request forms; notices to employees of leave granted or denied; certification of health care providers for the employee or a family member; backup information and records of employees` vacation history; employee time records; and the continuation of the memorandum on health and dental insurance benefits. Description: This series documents payroll deductions authorized by employees. These records include scoring lists of authorized printouts as well as actual deduction forms. Retention: Final contracts, amendments and negotiation protocols: 7 years after the expiry of the contract; All other documents: 7 years. Retention: Historical information: PERMANENT: Other records: 3 years after the establishment ceased employment. Description: This series documents the insurance coverage of institutional employees abroad who are not covered by the National Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF). These records must include one-year contracts with a contract insurance company. This series may include, but is not limited to: liability actions against the Institute, which are both commenced and concluded; acts with affidavits; accident reports; estimates of repairs; police reports; reports on the status of prosecutions; payment records; and settlements. “Archives” means any document, paper, letter, map, book (other than books in officially organized libraries), microfilm, magnetic tape or other material, in any form or physical characteristics, produced or received by a public authority pursuant to a law or regulation or in the performance of its functions. (BCGA 50-18-91(5). “Record retention schedules” define the minimum length of time for which a particular type of record must be retained. Unless otherwise stated in the retention schedule, the retention period is the Georgian limitation period for legal claims plus one year applicable to such documents.

Description: This series documents the employment history of an employee of the institution. East Georgia State College recognizes the importance of a records management program: systematic control of all documents (regardless of storage medium) from final destruction, through processing, distribution, retrieval, and maintenance. Record retention and storage are essential components of the records management utility. As a public institution, the College recognizes its responsibility to create and maintain records of its activities, reduce storage and maintenance costs through the use of technology and off-campus storage, preserve its historical records, and document the College`s actions for public accountability. This policy was created to ensure that East Georgia State College`s retention and storage practices comply with federal and state laws, including the Georgia Open Records Act, Georgia University System guidelines, and external bodies such as accrediting bodies. Retention: Personal Record Authorization Form: 50 years; Supervisor`s copy: 3 years after the employee`s termination; employability check forms: 3 years; All other documents: 7 years after the employee`s termination. Conservation: Abstracts: ONGOING; All other documents: 7 years. Although normally authorized under the record retention schedule, the destruction of records must cease immediately upon notification to the College of ongoing or ongoing litigation, regulatory investigations or audits. The Records Management Officer works closely with the Chief Business Officer, Legal Counsel, Vice-President of Information Technology and Vice-President of Advancement (Manager of Open Files at CSEG) to be notified when destruction must cease and to ensure that all departments are notified of the temporary suspension of the records management program. Records retention schedules are set by Georgia`s university system, federal or state laws.

Records are categorized into 14 categories, and retention periods are defined for records by record type.

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