Head of Legal Hrs

Technology is their other big goal. Their goal is to integrate legal services with the bank`s core software platforms so that employees across the bank can use self-service tools without having to go to a dedicated legal technology platform. He has worked to break down silos within his team and across the company, for example by encouraging his team to be more proactive in managing risk and helping colleagues comply with regulations. The legal team is also heavily involved in the reporting and governance aspects of the company`s sustainability program and has been instrumental in implementing the sanctions policy. In addition to the day-to-day legal work for computer networking company Juniper, Rob Mobassaly`s team is busy assisting the company with government affairs, sustainability issues and social justice issues. In his view, Legal is uniquely positioned to oversee these company-wide efforts from their central point: facilitating collaboration, designing tangible results, and ensuring accountability. For example, his team helped the company develop its plan to meet last year`s net-zero targets. Pontoppidan also has an eye on the future. She manages government relations, both as a public affairs officer and ensuring compliance. In addition to legal issues, Pontoppidan also works with governments on supply chain resilience. While you probably work closely with members of legal operations, you probably don`t know how to plan a roadmap to help the department grow and succeed.

Learn more about our legal operations maturity model white paper. The role of Chief Legal Officer is a natural next step for in-house lawyers who want to be executives, not just lawyers. And there`s good news for lawyers looking to climb the ladder: Chief Legal Officers (COOs) are in high demand right now. He believes the way to build a vibrant legal function is to help people go beyond professional excellence and bring the passion and energy of their personal lives to work. He encourages them to share their own interests, such as music or running, to create a community in the workplace Burns encourages his team to try PlayStation games. She says it`s important to understand the legal implications of the technology, especially as Sony moves to virtual reality and the metaverse. Burns also works on the company`s government relations, talking to politicians about intellectual property, privacy and online security. Is the job title “Advocate General” obsolete? A number of in-house legal team leaders seem to feel that this no longer reflects the broad nature of their roles. Others, however, defend the name — and defend it as a way to differentiate their role as protectors and ethical voices within the company. But there is a big problem with simply accepting that a lawyer`s working hours are necessarily exceptionally long and demanding.

The normalization of burnout in the legal profession fosters an industry that suffers from burnout, excessive stress, substance abuse and mental health issues, as well as a general lack of well-being. Now that cost control is particularly important for OCLs, begin your legal analysis by familiarizing yourself with legal expense data. Take a look at some recent reports on your team`s legal expenses and see which of the following key points have been covered: Since joining the company in 2020, Ng has grown the legal team from four to over 80 employees. His priority was to hire the right people, especially those with experience working for regulatory bodies or governments. More than a traditional in-house risk advisor, Ng also expects his team to be comprised of business leaders who work with external stakeholders and support the company`s growth. To manage the day-to-day workload, Cognizant uses contract software that helps make problem design and management more efficient, and Kim`s goal is for robotics and artificial intelligence to take over this process more in the coming years. He also oversaw the growth of the offshore legal team and expanded its presence globally, enabling lawyers working in different time zones to handle cases faster. Legal has also been heavily involved in PepsiCo`s sustainability program, from helping the company transition to recyclable plastic to announcing an ambitious goal to regenerate farming practices across its entire agricultural footprint by 2030. Flavell is also leading the digital transformation of the legal department and has appointed a new head of legal operations. When Gentin joined the firm, he restructured the legal team to make it more flexible and multidisciplinary. The team tested automation tools for core legal documentation and implemented “agile” organizational ideas that help manage business requests in different areas of expertise.

The lawyers with the greatest opportunity for this C-suite promotion have proven to be strategic business partners, team players and dedicated members of the firm. Stand out from other candidates and take your legal career to the next level with these seven tips: Now, his priority is human resource development. He connected the legal department with their counterparts at other Coca-Cola companies through “business-to-business practice groups” where lawyers engage on key issues. It was a useful training tool that allowed his team members to access leadership positions across the company. David Lavell`s goal in embarking on an in-house legal career was to work in a variety of overseas destinations. So far, his work has taken him to Australia, New Zealand, Shanghai and Dubai, and he now lives in New York, where he joined PepsiCo last year. There are so many hours in a day, and a lawyer`s working hours tend to take up most of them. Factors such as billable hourly requirements and the high number of cases make lawyers` long hours prevalent in the legal industry.

Because of this, lawyers tend to regularly work more than 40 hours a week, which can lead to stress, lack of balance, and burnout. Understand the causes of long hours as lawyers and take steps to mitigate them and promote well-being.

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