Others worth checking include those from Penn State, George Mason University, Oregon State, University of Montana, and Temple University. A policy is only a first step [18–22]. Issue-specific policy Policies that address specific issues can include a firewall or antivirus policy. Well, as mentioned earlier, you need to have created a baseline inventory of assets and done a business impact analysis on those assets (even if it`s just a fictitious analysis in your head, but based on your discussion with senior management). This should help determine the level of control you prescribe in your policy (and other controls). For example, if the availability of your core systems is your most pressing threat, this should be reflected in your strategy. If all of your assets are publicly available, privacy and encryption may not be important policy areas. Policy statements are the rules that are set to control a process, for example, a policy statement that says you shouldn`t have a tailgate to enter office buildings, and to make sure everyone follows that policy, we need to define control measures such as sending alerts or escalation to the immediate supervisor, etc. The third part of a policy statement describes the entire policy, how the company applies it, who or what is exempt from the provisions of the policy statement, how misunderstandings and violations must be corrected, and how long the policy remains in effect. For example, by using policy statements in an employee handbook, a company can avoid confusing employees by clearly describing what is expected of them in certain situations. Every organization needs to implement a good policy framework with a hierarchy of documents. This allows you to distinguish the different stages of the execution of your documents – are they mandatory or voluntary? We believe that hierarchy works like this: The meaning of the policy statement comes from strategic business objectives, which in turn flow from the company`s mission and vision. Any policy directive or statement should be based on aspects of both.
For example, customer policies should include policy statements that reflect goals such as increasing customer satisfaction and improving customer retention rates. The organization`s CEO or CEO should issue the security policy or act as an approval authority to create momentum towards information security and establish clear security objectives and objectives. Figure 6.4 shows a diagram of a hierarchical policy structure. Here, the boilerplate “Any employee who has violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment” is often inserted. However, one thing to think about when it comes to directives that apply to important but fairly minor matters within the overall framework of things is a specific disciplinary measure. The actual guiding principles or what to do. Statements are intended to influence and determine decisions and actions within the scope. Statements must be prudent, appropriate and beneficial to the organization.
The Directive refers to a decision taken by the management body of an organisation. A policy is usually an internal organizational decision that supports its operation. A guideline is a formal statement of a principle that should be followed by the target audience. Each policy should address an important issue concerning the achievement of the overall objective of the organization. An occupational health and safety policy therefore addresses the relevance of safety to the company and to whom the principles apply. The policy should be linked to strategic objectives (such as improving service quality, reducing costs and reducing injuries). The creation and dissemination of knowledge is a defining characteristic of universities and fundamental to The Ohio State University`s mission. The use of cutting-edge digital and web information is becoming increasingly important in achieving our mission. The State of Ohio is committed to ensuring equal access to information for all its members.