Legal Bases for Professionalizing Teaching in the Philippines

The law, promulgated on June 8, 1940, conferred the status of “authority figures” on teachers, professors and persons responsible for supervising duly recognized public or private schools, colleges and universities. The law also provided for a prison sentence of six months and one day for up to six years and a fine of 500 to 1,000 pesos for each person convicted of attacking these teachers. (i) To review the conditions of practice of the teaching profession and, if necessary, to take such measures as may be deemed appropriate to improve and maintain high professional and ethical standards of the profession; Paragraph 2. Statement of Principles. — The State recognizes the crucial role of teachers in the building and development of the nation through responsible and educated citizenship. To this end, the State shall ensure and promote high-quality training through appropriate supervision and regulation of the certification examination and professionalization of the practice of the teaching profession. (c) issue, suspend or revoke the certificate of registration for the practice of the teaching profession; Hello, can a principal transfer you to another grade level, even if you teach at that level for 20 years for no good reason, just because the principal doesn`t like you? (e) prescribing and/or adopting a code of ethical and professional standards for the practice of the teaching profession. Such ethical standards, rules and regulations shall enter into force sixty (60) days after their publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of wide circulation; I have a question, these legal bases and this legislation, it is in the 21st century. Does the century still exist? (d) professional misconduct, gross professional misconduct, gross negligence or gross disregard for the practice of the teaching profession; § 27 Suspension of the practice of the teaching profession. — Except as otherwise provided in this Act, no person shall practise or offer the profession of teacher in the Philippines or be appointed as a teacher for a position requiring apprenticeship without first obtaining a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license from the Commission. Thank you very much! This is very useful for our chronology of legal bases. ❣️ Merci(e) has been a career teacher in the active practice of the teaching profession in elementary and secondary education for at least ten (10) years; and § 26 Registration and Exception. — Two (2) years after the coming into force of this Act, no person may teach and/or practise the profession of teacher within the meaning of this Act, whether in preschool, elementary or secondary education, unless he is a duly registered professional teacher and holds a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license or holder of a valid special / temporary permit.

(l) To exercise such other powers, duties and functions as the Council deems necessary for the exercise of the teaching profession and for the enhancement, improvement, development and growth of education in the Philippines. Paragraph 3. Objectives. — This law has the following objectives: This law, adopted on 16 June 1954, established the Council of National Education, whose task was to formulate the general policy of education and to direct the educational interests of the nation. This law was created on 26 July. In October 1936, the Bureau of Adult Education was established to eradicate illiteracy and provide vocational and civic education to the country`s adult citizens. has. Reinstatement of Grade VII (never achieved due to lack of resources) b. Elimination of duplicate meetings and return to the previous practice of a single meeting.

Classroom under one teacher in primary school and three teachers from two classes or five teachers from three classes in middle school. Compulsory completion of primary school class. Compulsory enrolment of children in public schools after the age of seven. Any violation of this article will result in the liability of the relevant official under Republic Act No. 6713, also known as the “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees” and other relevant administrative and/or criminal laws. Section 23. Revocation of certificate of registration, suspension of teaching and cancellation of temporary or special permit. — The Committee shall have the power, after timely notification and consultation, to suspend or revoke the certificate of registration of a registrant, to challenge or revoke the temporary/special authorization of a holder exempt from registration on any of the following grounds: a.

Free public secondary education for all qualified citizens and promotion of quality education at all levels.b. No tuition or other fees are charged, except for fees related to school community membership such as ID, Student Organization, and Publikation.c. Failure to pay these does not prevent a student from enrolling or graduating. Nationalization of all public secondary schools (§ 7)e. A student who failed in the majority of his academic subjects for two consecutive years was no longer able to benefit from his program. It was approved on June 12, 1956 and prescribed the inclusion in the curricula of all public and private schools, from primary schools to universities, the life, works and writings of José Rizal, especially the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. (j) Ensure that all educational institutions providing primary and secondary education meet the essential requirements for school curricula, teachers and primary and secondary schools; Paragraph 5. Constitution and composition of the Board of Directors. — There is hereby established a Committee for Professional Teachers, hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”, a collegiate body under the general supervision and administrative control of the Commission on Professional Regulation, hereinafter referred to as “the Commission”, composed of five (5) members appointed by the President of the Philippines from among the recommendations selected by the Commission. Association of teachers duly possessing all the qualifications prescribed in section 8 of this Act.

§ 15 Qualification requirements for candidates. — An applicant may be admitted for examination only if, on the date of submission of the application, he fulfilled the following conditions: box 34 of the validity clause. — This Law shall enter into force fifteen (15) days after its complete publication in the Official Gazette or in two (2) newspapers with a large circulation. Paragraph 10. Oversight of the Board of Directors and custodian of its records. — The Committee shall be subject to the supervision and control of the Commission. All records, including requests for examinations, examination papers and results, minutes of consultations, administrative matters, investigation cases and investigations involving vocational teachers are kept by the Commission. (f) chronic intoxication or habitual drug use; (d) has not been the subject of a final conviction by a court of an offence involving mental disorder; § 33 Termination clause. All laws, presidential decrees, decrees, rules and regulations, or parts thereof, which are incompatible with the provisions of this Law, shall be repealed or amended accordingly. § 20 Non-passing the merit test. — If a teacher fails the merit test, he or she may sit for the examination a second time.

If they fail the merit exam for the second time, they must take a DECS-accredited refresher course or program before being allowed to retake the exam.

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