Legal to Block Driveway

I was finally able to salt around my car today. But I wonder if there is a law that requires owners of active entrances to salt? I just had the misfortune to drive in their unsalted part of the road. This is a newly opened building that may not have fully updated yet. Max, hello. Wonderful work with photography. Every time I think I`ve heard all the entrance stories, a new one pops up. I live in Brooklyn NY. In my block, there is a house that has been empty since October 2010 and is for sale. Windows and doors are barricaded, and there is a warning sign on the front door indicating that rodents and animals may live in or around the property. The owner lives in Florida. This house, like all the other houses on my block, has a driveway that can accommodate at least 3 mid-size sedans.

The family, who live next door, started parking one of their cars in the driveway of abandoned houses. They claim that the owner of the house gave them permission to do so. Recently, however, a friend of mine who works in residential properties in the area informed me that the house was sold 6 months ago. For some reason, the new owners have not yet appeared. Let`s take a closer look at the problems of blocking an entrance and how to deal with frustrating moments when your entry is blocked. I have an opposite problem. I accidentally parked in front of an illegal driveway (it was dark and didn`t look like an alley). I`m not sure you`ll get much help from Johnny and Jane Law if you`re able to get in and out of your driveway cleanly, despite your neighbor`s parking lot. If you can`t get in and out, file a 311 report. There is a special place to report entry blockers on the 311 website. If someone blocks your entrance, use the non-emergency number to call the police.

Don`t take matters into your own hands. Even the friendliest neighbors can get upset when asked to move their vehicle. My neighbour`s driveway is not as wide as the parking platform it leads to. The curb is 15 feet wide and the parking platform to which it leads is 20 feet wide. He left me a note telling me not to block his entrance, but I wasn`t over the sidewalk on the road. Is he right? What does the expression “presence of a building rendering the entrance unusable” mean? Legally, I don`t think she should plead her case. I believe that as long as my garage is functional for parking and we use it from time to time, I am legally allowed to block my own entrance. Perhaps it is more of an ethical issue. Maybe I need a rabbi more than a park guru. Even if the neighbors sit on the street, if they have a perfect driveway that they don`t use, they`re doing absolutely nothing wrong in the eyes of the law – even if they deny you access to that last much-needed parking spot. I hear you loud and clear. The challenge we face is that blocking entry into a police country is such a low priority that it is difficult to act.

In San Francisco, it`s legal to block your driveway if the building has fewer than two units or if your vehicle is registered at that building`s address. The same rules also apply in New York City, as long as you don`t violate other parking rules, such as parking your vehicle in front of a fire hydrant. Dear Karyn, good morning. I feel the pain you feel every time you come home. It is a disgrace. However, the configurations you describe create a real parking headache. Although there is a law that allows the removal of cars blocking an entrance and the ticketing of cars parked within 15 feet of fire hydrants, the law does not want to intervene with a ticket or towing. I`m not sure what you mean by a fake alley? Is there a garage and sidewalk? Spending time with friends and family is important, especially during holidays and special occasions. If you don`t have enough space for guest parking in front of your home, plan for off-site parking. Instead of parking along the street and possibly blocking driveways, arrange a shuttle service from a nearby public car park. Ask customers to carpool to limit the number of vehicles. These places include: “In front of a public or private entrance, except that a bus used as a regular carrier, school bus or taxi may stop to load or unload passengers, if authorized by local authorities in accordance with an order.” I live where there is a common alley.

It seems that people now feel free to park cars in front of the garage instead of putting the car on the side. Is it legal to park a car in a common driveway, which can cause difficulties to put cars in the garage? It also seems that when people have guests, they feel good about letting them park there. Is there a law that says they are not allowed to park in a common driveway? I work in a school in a residential area. Almost every home has a curb for an entrance that is new or non-existent. These people have turned their front yards into “alleys”. For this reason, there are no more parking spaces on the street for me and my colleagues. How do I know if curbside cutting is legal? I would start by not letting go of the artist in you and painting the sidewalk or sidewalk. I`d hate to fine you for trying to stop others from blocking your entrance. In the North Brooklyn area where we live, it`s not uncommon for a curb cut to stretch 5 or six feet on either side of a garage door (which opens onto a sidewalk), and often cuts into another property line. For example, a garage in an apartment building may start 1-2 feet down the property line – but a curb cut starts 2-3 feet before the start of the property line – so there is a considerable distance between the start of the curb cut and the garage. As far as I know, curb cutting ignores most zoning bylaws and would be illegal (too wide, crossing property lines).

But it`s still there. On the other hand, experience shows us that if we do not block our own driveway, someone else certainly will, and it will not always be a neighbor whose car we recognize. If we put our car in the garage every time we park it, it would be pretty much guaranteed that the next time we wanted to get our car out of the garage, someone else`s car would block our driveway. We live near a busy shopping street and that`s just the nature of this neighborhood. The best way to ensure that our legal curb cutting and garage function as a car warehouse is to simply block our own driveway with our own car.

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