Legalistic Sentence Examples

(70) 1Conservative in its objective, it was natural that this legislation should focus on an outdated and legalistic definition and evade contemporary reality. (20) It is unique in international law in its legal and legalistic system of dispute settlement. (48) 1For most of its existence, the Council has seen itself as a somewhat petty and rather legalistic arbiter. (78) Ultimately, only God can see an individual`s heart and distinguish the difference between legalistic dead weight and passion for sacred solemnity. (51) Today, when Christians quarrel, they exaggerate passion in a legalistic faith and prosperity in a lukewarm faith. (119) “legalistic” meaning “legalistic”. Admittedly, there are still words you don`t know. But if you learn whole sentences with “legalist” instead of the word “legalist” alone, you can learn much faster! (93) If you had to explain to someone learning English what is “legalistic”, what would you say? Again, there is no real communication without sentences. If you only read words now, you would not be able to understand at all what I am telling you. (69) The conscious attempt to be a good person without Christ is as legalistic as the attempt to go to heaven through empty religiosity. (11) Initially, the war accepted this legalistic definition of slave status. (31) Why the proliferation of these legalistic creatures in a society that has rarely embraced them? A simple sentence with “legalistic” contains a subject and a verb and can also have an object and modifiers. However, it contains only a stand-alone clause.

(12) I spoke to his lawyer, but all I got was a series of legalistic abracadabras. (8) But all I have heard is a lot of legalistic doublespeak and rationalization. (73) The way in which the police maintain order and enforce the law should itself be governed by legalistic procedures and constraints. The crisis becomes less dangerous when it becomes legalistic and technical. (102) English sentences with audio using the word “legalistic”. (105) How to write a good sentence with “legalistic”? (88) For example, some wonder if the Bible explicitly says that a particular act is a sin or will send them to hell. Otherwise, they feel free to surrender wholeheartedly to this action and to ignore all the biblical principles associated with it. But this approach is legalistic, which means living by rules or basing salvation on works. He treats the Bible like a book of law, focusing on the letter and looking for loopholes.

(95) I have heard the best definition of the term “legalistic” so far. (85) It is clear, however, that in this external legalistic view of duty it was impossible to maintain a difference in nature between Christian and pagan morality; The philosopher`s agreement with the rules of chastity and benevolence, insofar as he went, was indistinguishable from that of the saint. (96) “legalistic” – definition, images, pronunciation and instructions for use. (59) Most companies, especially small ones, cannot afford to waste huge sums of money on such sophisticated legalistic quibbles. (99) What is meant by “legalistic”? Detailed definition and meaning. (84) 163) claims that he was not himself a pietist, since he did not advocate the quietist, legalistic and semi-separatist practices of pietism, although they were more or less involved in the positions he took or the practices he encouraged or tolerated. (24) China is trying to legalistically defend the sale of Khasma`s third and fourth reactors. A compound sentence with “legalistic” contains at least two independent sentences. These two independent sentences can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. (35) My defence in this case will be neither technical nor legal: it will be categorical and absolute.

(14) The OIG assessed the incident in a strictly legalistic manner. (86) Ask Jesus to help you fully understand the joys of obedience. Also ask her how you can be a woman fully committed to obedience without falling into a legalistic view of life. We must always remember that our purpose is to seek revelations from Him. Our goal may be not only to follow rules, but also to follow Jesus Himself. (76) If you host a group of buyers, traders should only resort to legalistic tactics to the extent that they protect payments or transfers of investments. (58) It would progressively develop Cadbury`s Code of Conduct in a non-legalistic manner by learning from misconduct by undertakings. Nevertheless, he had risen to great heights of rhetorical and legalistic reason. (125) Define the term “legalistic” in one sentence, define “legalistic” in one word. Phrases are everywhere.

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