Are Pigeon Spikes Legal Uk

Pigeons are attracted to balconies, especially on high-rise buildings, as the medium balcony provides an optimal breeding ground for a couple of pigeons. The vast majority of problems that occur on balconies are due to reproduction, but sleeping at night can also be a problem. In high-rise residential buildings, it is very common for balconies to also be used as a vantage point for the exploitation of a food source. Balconies can be protected from pigeons by installing deterrent and anti-seat products. For more information on how to do this without having to resort to ready-made products, check out THE DIY Controls: Defender spikes page comes with special silicone mounting holes® in the base. The use of silicone is our recommended system because the glue seeps through the holes, forms a lock and holds the tips in place. However, these holes can also be used to screw or nail the bases. For less durable fastening, cable ties can be used to attach pigeon tip bases. Spikes are usually advertised for birds, cats, rodents and other parasite-like creatures. You don`t want to use spikes designed to prevent people from climbing the fence. These spikes are harder and more dangerous. Some may have beards or contain other painful deterrents that can seriously injure an animal.

There are many types of silicone on the market. Some are suitable for attaching pigeon tip bases to a surface. However, some are not and may stick to the surface of the rim, but not to the base of the tip. Defender has developed a silicone that works in conjunction with defender tip bases®® and creates an instant connection, which means the spikes immediately get to work to check your property. Another important option to consider when developing perimeter security enhancements is to use intrusion coverage. As mentioned earlier, the Highways Act of 1980 refers to “noxious trimmings” such as barbed wire or spikes, but does not refer to the use of thorny shrubs. The entire Defender`Bird® Spike range is human. Bird tips are recommended by the RSPB as one of the best long-term methods for bird safety in buildings.

The pins of the spines act as a visual and physical barrier, so the birds no longer have access to the ledge to sit and take them to other more accessible areas. As regards the control of wild pigeons, the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 contains only specific guidance for the use of lethal controls or for the removal and destruction of nests and/or chicks. In all matters concerning the protection of vessels with deterrents, the Animal Welfare Act 2006 (formerly the Animal Welfare Act 1911) currently applies, which is currently considered to be the most appropriate legislation. Indeed, the Animal Welfare Act 2006 addresses issues related to unnecessary cruelty or suffering (intentional or unintentional), and although cruelty and unnecessary suffering are often associated with slaughter operations, they are more often associated with the installation of deterrents. An example of this could be when birds are trapped behind nylon bird nets installed on a building (or under a bridge) and starved to death as a result. If the owner were challenged and prosecuted for cruelty and/or unnecessary suffering, the legislation that could be enforced would be the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and not the Wildlife and Landscape Act. Depending on the type of spikes you buy, you may have different options to seal them. Some may need to be screwed into the fence, while others just need to be cut. Check the instructions for your specific advanced product to determine which method to use. Buying store-bought cat tips from a trusted source uses the secure version. Cats will stay away from your garden and you won`t have to worry about accidentally injuring them.

If a cat tries to sneak into your map, you may want to attach spikes to your fence to push it away. The cat spikes themselves are human to use. They are not sharp as real peaks. Instead, they have a slightly sharp tip that makes walking on them difficult for cats. It has a deterrent effect. You can use virtually any pick sold in outdoor stores. These are spikes that aim to scare animals instead of hurting them. They have been tested and have proven to be safe for animals.

Once your spikes are firmly in place, you need to make sure they don`t fall off your fence. Press the tips with your hand to see if they remain sturdy. You`ll also want to try pulling the edge down as this is where cats will arrive first. In summary, the law is quite specific when it comes to the control of wild pigeons, but due to the total lack of infrastructure available to monitor the Wildlife and Countryside Act (especially the terms of general licenses), it is actually a relatively ineffective and unnecessary law. Slaughter cannot be used as a control method simply because pigeons damage the property through pollution. Slaughter for this purpose would still be illegal. It is extremely unusual to find pigeons sleeping or breeding on flat roofs, except when they are under some kind of dwelling – that is, an air conditioner with enough free space for a pigeon to enter the space between the base of the device and the roof. However, it is common to find pigeons that use a flat roof as a vantage point to use a food source, or perhaps because pigeons spend the night in other areas of the property in question or on an adjacent property. Nylon bird nets are often recommended to protect flat roofs, but this is an expensive option as the product can degrade and need to be replaced, in some cases after only a few years. Anti-perche products are relatively inexpensive to provide on flat roof surfaces and, unlike nylon bird nets, reversible in case necessary maintenance needs to be carried out or when access is required for window cleaning. Anti-perche products are 100% effective in this application when installed in accordance with the manufacturer`s recommendations. Please visit the DIY Controls page for more details on how this can be achieved without resorting to commercially available products: it is the responsibility of each owner who has a pigeon problem to fully ensure that the controls provided on their property are legal and do not affect current legislation, we therefore strongly recommend that you read the more detailed guide.

To properly install the spikes, you need to make sure you know how much you will need. Measure the top of your fence and all other areas where you want to prevent cats from climbing. Then cut the strips according to these lengths. Defender Stainless Steel Bird tips® are made of Class 304 stainless steel and come with a 25-year “rust-free” warranty. The plastic tip is made of UV durolone polycarbonate, which does not become brittle or yellow in the elements. This pick comes with a 15-year warranty. (H2) Can I attach spikes to uneven, curved or decorative surfaces? The defender`s ® spikes can be attached to any surface, whether uneven or curved. The bases have snappable sections that can only be broken with the fingers. By installing these small parts, any shaped surface can be protected from birds. However, there are a few spikes that can cause injuries in cats. In this case, your spikes may become illegal.

This is because it can be considered animal abuse, which is severely punished. However, this usually only happens if you have made the spikes yourself. Pigeons usually spend the night on exposed pipes, usually attached to the side wall of a building or residence.