Artisan Legal Act

Artisan Legal is not just a company, it`s a mission: a mission to make high-quality legal services accessible, affordable and user-friendly, and to make a living as a socially sustainable business. We work on a fixed fee basis, create clear offers for all our services and offer cost security, with no hidden fees or time-related extras. Source: Website of the system for the promotion and development of the craftsman: Currently, MINCETUR has developed a website on an information system for the promotion and development of the craftsman in order to share all the necessary information on the artisanal aspects from a commercial point of view. In addition, this system cooperates with the National Directory of Artisans, which contains information on all Peruvian artisans registered in the National Register of Artisans, whether as individual craftsmen, craft enterprises or artisan associations. The main objective of the Law on Handicrafts and Handicraft Development is to regulate the sustainable development, protection and promotion of handicrafts, to preserve the craft tradition in all its expressions of each place and to disseminate and promote techniques and procedures, including quality, representativeness, tradition, cultural value and utility. Promote public awareness of its economic, social and cultural importance and recognize, above all, the artisan as a developer of identity and cultural traditions. This regulation was adopted on 17 September. It was announced in March 2010. Source: Although we are based in Canberra, we have experience in ACT and NSW law in general, as well as in SMSF and estate planning across Australia. We believe that the services we offer should be personal. Our reputation is based on trust and knowledge that we offer full transparency. We offer mobile services and home visits at no additional cost, videoconference appointments or consultations in our municipal office. We invite people with health cards and NDIS plans to discuss our discounted rates with us.

Law No. 29073, Law on Handicrafts and the Development of Craft Activity, was promulgated for the first time. Later by Supreme Decree 001-2008-MINCETUR, the regulations of the National Register of Crafts and the National Council for the Promotion of Craftsmen, created by Articles 12º and 30º of Law No. 29073, which allowed to gain experience in these areas. In this context, it is necessary to standardize various aspects of the craft activity regulated by Law No. 29073, so we have continued its regulation. · simple and complex wills and powers of attorney; Challenges identified in the implementation of this measure: this information will be supplemented by details in a future report. The main reason why we do not have specific information on the implementation process of this measure is the short time before the report is completed.

If you would like to discuss your needs, please do not hesitate to contact us. This regulation is implemented by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR) in accordance with paragraph 8, article 118 of the Peruvian Constitution and Law No. 27790 – Law on the Organization and Functions of the Ministry of Trade and Tourism, Lead Agency for Tourism and Handicrafts; Promotion, orientation and regulation of manual activity. · Assessment and advice on pensions in family law;.

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