Browse through more of the best scriptures for police officers in this collection of Bible verses. May God always bless and protect our law enforcement officers. Here are 7 Bible verses that police officers, sheriffs, or other officials can think about. I hope you find these Bible verses encouraging for police officers as we continue through a difficult time as law enforcement families. If you liked these top 12 Bible verses for law enforcement and know someone who works in law enforcement, please share them with them now to encourage them and show your support. I pray that these verses will comfort you and your family during this time, knowing that God is with your officer and your family, and that the work your officer does is incredibly valuable. For more encouragement, see Inspiring Police Quotes. What a beautiful description of the professional duty of police officers or any other law enforcement officer, for they defend the weak, they defend the rights of the oppressed and the destitute, and they also save the weak and needy by freeing them from the hands of the wicked. These uplifting scriptures for police officers are a great resource to encourage your husband as he grapples with law enforcement life. We owe our gratitude to all staff and law enforcement authorities. They risk their lives for us to protect and serve them. We must express our gratitude to them and tell them how much we value their ministry because they have been ordained by God (Romans 13:2), and we should submit to them (Rom 13:5) to represent God Himself (Rom 13:2).
It surprised me that there were so many verses that seemed to apply directly to law enforcement, and as I went through the pages and searched for them, I found more and more. And not only did they help him, but their research also inspired me. We see that this verse is often related to law enforcement. As police officers, our spouses have the task of keeping the peace. And every day this task becomes more and more difficult and dangerous. Our agents sacrifice so much – their safety, their physical body, their mental health, their time with their families, etc. This Scripture is an excellent reminder not only of the importance of what our officials do, but also of the call that God has placed on their lives. The pursuit is ordered by God, and here are the top 12 Bible verses for Scripture law enforcement to prove this point. It`s no secret that 2020 has been a difficult year for law enforcement and their families. Lately, there has been a lot of bad press about the police.
We are bombed almost every day by it – people who call the wind police power-hungry, racist, gun-mad and insensitive. People who demand the defunding of the police. It`s everywhere – in articles, in the news, on social media, on TV shows and even in movies. This verse brings comfort as a law enforcement family that God will provide. Our officers can move forward with courage and faith, knowing that God is with them and will take care of them. And any persecution or danger is ultimately dealt with by Heavenly Father. Our family also makes gift baskets! We want to bless each of the 45 agents in our city. We don`t have a “blue” family, but we support law enforcement because they were created to protect them. And that they do it very well. I will print and laminate a prayer and verse on the other side so that they will always stay with them, hopefully. As a police officer, you know your husband and the other officers in his department.
It`s intimidating. These are people who are fully engaged in what they do because they want to make their community a better and safer place. These are people who feel called to the application of the law and who have the desire to help their fellow human beings. Do you have a Bible verse that has been an encouragement to you or your family? I would like you to share it below. This is by far the Scripture you will see most attributed to law enforcement, and I love it. The police are in charge of keeping the peace, and that is incredibly difficult to do. It requires so many sacrifices: their physical safety, their mental health, time with their families, and more. Police officers have a hard job and need hope and encouragement like everyone else.
May these Bible verses for the police help strengthen faith and affirm the love and protection that God gives to those who love Him. Put on the “armor of God” as you face the world and let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit.