If the expired ATA Carnet is a Carnet issued in the United States, there are no penalties or duties imposed by the United States. However, penalties may be imposed by a foreign government if the carnet expired before the U.S. goods were exported from that country. If the carnet was issued abroad, the lump sum compensation will be assessed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) because the carnet expires before the goods can be exported from the United States. Separate receipts are required for each shipment. If you know that the goods will be returned in addition to a shipment before requesting the booklet, make sure you receive enough vouchers or contact the association that issued the booklet as soon as possible. Tell them how long you want to continue using the goods and see if they accept a replacement booklet. If this is the case, you must contact the association that issued your original notebook. If the goods are in the UK under cover of a carnet not issued in the UK, please contact the ATA Carnet National Unit – you can find the contact details in the contact section of this guide. (i) Issuing associations shall indicate on the cover of the TECRO/AIT carnet the customs territory in which it is valid and the name and address of the guaranteeing association. You must also present the carnet to customs each time you enter or leave Northern Ireland.
You must contact the customs authority of the country where the goods are located to fill in all the necessary customs documents and note on the booklet which items will not be returned. Return the original and replacement carnets to their respective holders The carnet holder and the person to whom you transfer the carnet must contact the ATA Carnet National Unit – details can be found in the “Contacts” section of this guide. If you need to use your goods longer, you will need a replacement booklet. Carnets facilitate temporary imports abroad and re-importation into the United States By presenting an ATA document to foreign customs, you will move into a carnet country duty-free and duty-free for up to one year. AtA Carnets also serve as a U.S. Goods Registration Certificate (CBP 4455) upon re-importation. Companies are required to provide ATA Carnet documents to U.S. Customs when they leave the country and when they enter and leave abroad. Upon return, the company must resubmit the carnet document to U.S. Customs for duty-free entry into the United States.
The carnet also serves as a registration of goods for the United States, eliminating the need for a U.S. Customs Registration Certificate Form 4455. ATA Carnets cover most personal and professional property, including commercial samples, professional equipment and goods intended for use at trade shows and exhibitions. Notebooks do not include consumables or disposable items and are not recommended in situations where certain products shipped abroad may be sold abroad. However, notebooks are especially useful when a product can “travel” to multiple countries before being returned to the United States. They are valid for up to one year, with a possible extension of another year. Re-export of goods — See the “Re-export of goods using carnets” section of this guide An ATA carnet is valid for one year from the date of issue. Goods in a carnet may be exported and imported into one of the participating countries and territories as often as necessary during the one-year life of the carnet. The carnet holder may request an extension called a “replacement carnet” and extend the 12-month limit of the original carnet. Replacement carnets are not accepted in all countries and must be requested before the expiry date of the original carnet, and approval is at the discretion of the foreign customs administration. If the goods are included in a passenger`s luggage and are re-imported into the UK, the carnet must be presented at the red dot or canal.
The ATA notebook consists of a front and back that contain counter-foils and vouchers for each country to visit or cross. Vouchers are used as receipts for import and re-export abroad and are kept by foreign customs officers. The counter-sheets are stamped by the foreign customs authorities and serve as a carnet holder. [2] ATA notebooks are in A4 paper format. Check what to do if your goods or booklet are lost, stolen or destroyed. Send the C88 (SAD) and your notebook to the National ATA Carnets Unit for authorization. The device notes items that are not re-imported and returns the notebook to you. In the United States, there are two types of notebooks: ATA and TECRO/AIT.
TECRO/AIT Carnets are used for temporary imports into Taiwan, which only accepts the TECRO/AIT Carnet. ATA Carnets are used for the other 87 countries and territories that are members of the Carnet system. On the back of the green front and on each voucher is the “general list” of goods covered by your booklet. If the information on the carnet is not clear, the importing customs authority: A carnet may be issued and served on an applicant within 1 day if the application is complete and approved before 4 p.m. Centre time. Same-day service is available at an extra cost. To obtain a notebook, 4 simple steps are necessary: once a notebook has been issued, you can no longer change its validity period. Note the registration number of the original carnet and the end date of the re-export on the yellow import voucher and the counter sheet of the replacement carnet, then certify and resolve the yellow import voucher on the replacement carnet The countries and territories listed are contracting parties participating in the ATA/Istanbul Convention with which the ATA carnet system was established.
Countries are regularly included in the ATA Carnet system. Visit the website of the country you are travelling to to see if notebooks are accepted. The United States acceded to the ATA Convention on December 3, 1968, and the United States Council for International Affairs (USCIB) www.uscib.org has been the national guarantee association for ata carnets since 1969. (ii) The period for re-exporting goods imported with a TECRO/AIT carnet may in no case exceed the period of validity of that carnet. There are 87 countries and territories that accept notebooks. A complete list of the countries in the booklet can be found here. Certificate attesting that they have issued you a replacement booklet on the re-export voucher (they keep the voucher) A carnet is valid for up to 1 year from the date of issue, with the exception of exhibitions and fairs, which are valid for 6 months from the date of issue.* The known exceptions to these periods of validity are: If the replacement carnet has been issued, the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry will forward it to the person to whom the carnet is transferred. The holder of the original carnet and the holder of the replacement carnet must then send their carnets to the National ATA Carnet Unit. If they are satisfied, they: Will confirm with the National ATA Carnet Unit if you file a C88 declaration (SAD) with the Customs Handling service for import and export freight (CHIEF), the Customs Declarations Service (CDS) or if you want the unit to file a complaint against the carnet with the LCCI via the international guarantee chain. Make sure you have completed all the required sections of the carnet, including box F of the yellow export receipt. You must present the carnet and the goods to the customs officers.
The USCIB or its two designated service providers provide warranty protection for lost, stolen, or destroyed notebook forms for a fee. USCIB will immediately issue a replacement to customers with this warranty. The full warranty terms of the carnet are available when you submit an application electronically or contact an ATA carnet consultant for more information. Note the registration number of the replacement booklet on the white re-export voucher on the original carnet, then certify and detach the white re-export voucher on the original (1) use booklet. The TIR Carnet may be approved at any point of entry for the carriage of goods in road vehicles or containers, even if the containers are carried by other means of transport during part of the journey between the Customs offices of departure and destination without being loaded onto road vehicles. The TIR Carnet may also be approved for the carriage of “heavy or bulky goods” within the meaning of Article 1 of the TIR Convention. The TIR Carnet covers only the transport of goods for Customs purposes. Road vehicles carrying goods under TIR Carnets shall also comply with all other applicable requirements of the federal and state authorities responsible for regulating such vehicles and their personnel. If the customs of the country you are visiting are not convinced that the goods have been re-exported or that you have not used them properly, they will submit a request to the Carnet Association of their country for the payment of the customs duties due.