Fizemos uma padronização no atendimento em todas as filiais e agentes ONE. Joubert de Barros, 408 – Bento Ferreira, Vitória CEP: 29050-720 Phone: (+ 55 27) 3071-2021 / 99502-2804 Website: Email: In the event of the death of a U.S. citizen in Brazil, please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. If no family members are present, the Consular Section will contact the next of kin in the United States. The Consular Section can assist family members in regulating the disposal of mortal remains. Please note that no U.S. government funds are available to cover the associated costs. We will also issue a Consular Death Report Abroad, an official document that can be used in the United States to resolve all legal issues related to the deceased`s estate and insurance. To issue a consular death report, a Brazilian death certificate is required. For more information about Death Abroad, visit the State Department website. Manaus >> opening hours, Monday to Friday, from 08:30 to 11:30 (only in the morning). CENTRAL MOURNING – Funeral Home Correa Policarpo Ltda (Marcos Correa and Talmeris – English) RUA SAMUEL AGENOR ANGENITSKY, 80 VILLE BLACH – CABO FRIO Phone: (+ 55 22) 2645-5956 /99756-9059 (Mr.
Marcos) / 98847-0517 (Talmeris) /97401-3800 / 99969-8885 EmailL: Website: It should be remembered that our telephone service responds on Mondays until 5pm. Note our phone number: 0800-723-06-02. Tomorrow, the 12th, the call hours follow from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ONE has a central service team that takes care of freight with shipping or unloading in all the ports of Brazil where we operate. Our opening hours are Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 11:00 and from 13:30 to 15:30. In-person service is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. On Wednesday the 13th, we have the doors open to welcome you.
At your service! See how the interview shows how our call center works. Enjoy and stay up to date with our schedules this holiday. Campo Santo Parque da Paz / Pax Domini Crematorium Av. Assis Chateaubriand, 5460 Velam – Campina Grande – PB (83) 3331-4300 / 3331-4257 / 98883-0266 Funerária Sant`Ana Tel: (62) 3 32 4-4136(62) 3324-5414 Kontakt: José Augusto da Silva Servico Funerario do Municipio de Sao Paulo Tel: (11) 5521-2662 Address: Rua Ministro Roberto Cardoso Alves, 186 Santo Amaro – São Paulo. Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Auflistung der Bestattungsunternehmen nach Konsularbezirk. Rua Agenor Lopes, 25 sala 1002 – Hrsg. Itamarati. MARACANÃ FUNERAL ASSISTANCE (Leonardo – Englischsprachig) AVENIDA BRASIL, 6179 – BONSUCESSO Telefon: (+ 55 21) 96518-5422 / 3312-4600 / 3312-4620 (International) / 99880-0477 (Icaro) / 99763-3 335 (Leonardo) /98554-0365 (Anderson) Webseite: E-Mail: + 55 (47) 99175-9636 / (47) 98405-7514 / (47) 98405-7505 Perpetual Crematorium Socorro Av. Hugo Simas 35 – Curitiba, PR Phone: (55) (41) 3338-0191 FUNERÁRIA NOSSA SENHORA DA APRESENTAÇÃO (Joarene) RUA SÃO CRISTOVÃO, 408 – SÃO CRISTOVÃO Phone: (+55 21) 3860-0439 / 3860-2025 / 2580-7970 / 3860-0607 / 98169-3051 Email: e Embalming: Embalming can be performed by any qualified person, but must be certified by a doctor.
If the death is accidental or occurred in the absence of a doctor, local authorities will require an autopsy before embalming. If refrigeration equipment is not available, embalming must be carried out within twenty-four hours of death. For more information, see the CDC guidelines. Funerária Grupo Bom Jesus Internacional Tel: (11) 98799-3673 24 hours and (11) 4657-1414 Address: Avenida Guilherme Alfieri – 246 – Parque São Benedito – Santa Isabel – SP Porto Alegre: 55(51) 3345-6000 55(51) 98293-0446 after work coffins and containers: If the remains are to be transported from the country, the body is first embalmed or otherwise prepared or cremated for shipment. It is then placed in a coffin with a zinc lining or urn in case of cremation in a wooden coffin, which is finally placed in a suitable packing case that can support the weight of the entire container and body. Coffins and urns are available on site. They are prepared in accordance with international regulations and meet the requirements of shipping from the country. Human remains: For the export of human remains, the following documents are required by the authorities:.
Agência Funerária Araçá (24-hour service) Tel: (11) 3231-5626 Address: Rua Dr. Arnaldo, 300 – Cerqueira Cesar- São Paulo, SP Destination costs São Paulo to New York $620 São Paulo to Chicago $730 São Paulo to Dallas $1,200 São Paulo to Los Angeles $1,300 São Paulo to Miami $560 Colônia Oliveira Machado – Manaus – Amazonas (AM) – Brazil Cremation and Ash Disposal: Fees include collection and transportation of remains, a medical certificate, an urn, crematorium fees, short services without the presence of mourners, and scattering of ashes. 2.700 US$ Horto da Paz Rod Regis Bittencourt BR 116 KM 290 – Itapecirica da Serra, SP Phone: (55) (11) 4666-5067 Cemetery and crematorium Monument Guararapes Address: BR 101 KM 79.3- Jaboatão dos Guararapes-PE, vine: 54320-230 Phone: 55 81 3462 7766/ 55 81 99641 2200 Funerária Monte Fuj Tel: (67) 3325-2244 Address: Rua 13 de Maio, 4.217 – Vila São Thomé, Campo Grande – MS, 79004-423 Morte e Vida Cerimonial Funerário Tel: (61) 3445-1155 Contact: Amancio Almeida Cell: (61) 9966-4237 Address: W-3 Sul 514 bloco B loja 15 São Francisco do Sul – SC – Brazil – CEP: 89240-000 Primaveras Repatriação (24-hour service) Tel: (11) 2451-6599 or 0800 77 02038 Cell: (11) 97655-1344 Address: Rua Muhidin Ibrahim Havache, 55 (behind Picanço Cemetery) Guarulhos – São Paulo, SP. Please note that if you are dialing from abroad, you must dial “55” (country code brazil) before the funeral home phone number. Bela Vista – São Paulo – São Paulo (SP) – Brazil. Central de Atendimento de Óbitos Tel: (48) 3065-5500 Address: Rua Pastor William Richard Schisler Filho, 296 – Florianópolis, SC Brazilian funeral includes: a funeral ceremony and the cremation or burial of the deceased – in a public or private cemetery.