Ipsc Production Legal Pistols

Open Division Small Caliber Pistol: Dynamic sport shooting with small caliber pistols is becoming increasingly popular, as low-recoil weapons and low-cost ammunition make them ideal for training and promoting youth engagement (according to national gun laws). Genuine small-calibre pistols and large-calibre pistols equipped with small-calibre conversion systems and red dot sights shall have a minimum trigger mass of 908 g. The maximum capacity of the magazine is 10 cartridges. Standard .22 long rifle ammunition or the HV (High Velocity) fast version can be used. Avid full-powered handgun shooters can enter up to 5 different divisions depending on the type of weapon used. In addition to full weapons, IPSC sport shooting with small-caliber pistols with .22 long rifle rimfire cartridges and airsoft pistols is becoming increasingly popular. No matter which division you enter, the right choice of weapon is absolutely crucial. The choice of a weapon therefore plays an important role in sporting success. The following cases of handguns are currently permitted in IPSC sport shooting. This branch of weapons is therefore mainly aimed at lovers of polymer guns. Here are also the production measurements in this case: caliber 9mm Luger, barrel length 5″ / 127mm, minimum trigger 1,360 grams.

It is common for most competitors to tailor their guns to their personal needs. Be sure to review the rule set to determine which changes are allowed in each division. This division is now the domain of the “service pistols” Luger 9 mm to the Beretta 92 FS, CZ75 / CZ SP01 Shadow, GLOCK 17, Heckler & Koch USP / P30 / SFP-9 or SIG Sauer P226 / X-Five Allround with open view. The usual distinction between major/minor calibres and associated dimensions does not apply here. Thus, only a low power factor of 125 applies, which is achieved by conventional 9mm Luger factory ammunition, which is fired from typical barrel lengths. This division consists primarily of single-action .40 caliber Smith & Wesson pistols with dual-battery magazines, 5″ / 127 mm barrels and open sight, which, when empty, armed and secure, must fit in a suitcase measuring 225 mm (length) by 150 mm (height) by 45 mm (width). And yet, as the past has shown, it is possible to win games even with the relatively tame shooting characteristics of the “small” 9mm Luger caliber. For departments of other IPSC disciplines, please visit the ipsc.org website.

This is the Formula 1 division with particularly expensive and powerful competition pistols with single triggers, extra-long magazines of 170 mm and capacities of up to 28 cartridges, reflex aiming and compensator systems. There are no restrictions on withdrawal, provided that the safety and reliability of firearm functions are guaranteed at all times. The main power factor is at least 160 and the auxiliary power factor is at least 125. These are the fairly expensive and extremely well-designed “Formula 1” competition pistols with single-action triggers, 170mm elongated magazines with capacities of up to 28 rounds, red dot sights and compensation systems. There are no restrictions on the weight of the trigger, although safety and reliability are always top priorities. The primary power factor shall be at least 160 and the auxiliary power factor shall be at least 125 factor points. The minimum bullet caliber, length and bullet weight are 9 mm, 19 mm and 120 grains respectively, so typical calibers here are the Luger 9 mm (9 x 19 mm), 9 x 21 IMI, .38 Super Auto, .38 Super Comp., .38 Super Rimless or 9 x 23 mm Winchester. Below is a list of additions to the list of weapons currently approved for the production department. However, PSIC does not guarantee that a currently listed model cannot be removed from the list in the future. IPSC reserves the right to change this list at any time. Only handguns that are on the complete list of approved models and that meet the requirements of Schedule D4 of the PSIC Small Arms Competition Regulations may be used in the production department.

More information on production service requirements can be found in Appendix D4 of the PSIC Handgun Rules, which can be downloaded from this website. For the Action Aerial Production Division, only replicas of the handguns listed below are permitted. Note: Please read the Rules FAQ for answers to your questions. If you would like to comment on the list, please send an email to: info@ipsc.org Updated: 2022-10-18 This division consists mainly of single-action single-action pistols of .40 caliber Smith & Wesson single-action pistols with a 5″/127 mm barrel and mechanical sight, which must hold empty in a 225 mm long x 150 mm high x 45 mm wide case when the magazine is inserted. tense and locked. But the past has shown that titles with the moderate shooting characteristics of the small caliber 9mm Luger can also be won.