Isolation Rules for Omicron Scotland

Self-isolation means staying home and not going out. Added a section on self-isolation exemptions for essential workers. Self-isolation has been imposed on people in countries around the world as one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Updated to refer to the self-isolation guide on NHS Inform. The duration of self-isolation is a maximum of 10 days. However, you may be able to end self-isolation prematurely if you have 2 consecutive negative LFD results 24 hours apart on day 6. For example, a negative LFD test result on days 6 and 7, days 7 and 8 or days 8 and 9. In order to end self-isolation, you should also ensure the following: You may need to quarantine yourself if you come to England from abroad. Check the quarantine rules when you enter England on GOV.UK If you do not comply with the rules of self-isolation, you may be fined. In England, penalties start at £1,000 and go up to £10,000.

However, those who leave self-isolation after seven days are “highly recommended” to limit close contact with people in overcrowded or poorly ventilated rooms. Please follow your employer`s advice. If you are released from self-isolation, you can usually continue working as usual. However, in some workplaces, such as health and social services, you may be asked to take extra precautions. In exceptional cases, you may need to temporarily come out of self-isolation. You should have considered all the other options first. The following section on “Supporting People Who Self-Isolate” may be helpful. If you don`t have other options, you should think about how you can limit contact with other people. Exceptional circumstances in which you can come out of self-isolation include: If close contact tests are positive for one of these lateral flow tests, they will need to self-isolate for 10 days – but can be released from isolation on day seven if they are fully vaccinated, have no fever and have two negative lateral flow tests, as described above. If you continue to develop symptoms, you should report your symptoms and take a PCR test. You can leave self-isolation to get tested for COVID-19 at a testing site or get tested at home at a priority mailbox. Anyone you live with, unless they are fully vaccinated or under 18 and 6 months of age, should also self-isolate while you wait for your test result.

Self-isolation means you have to stay home. Do not go to work, school or public places and do not use public transport or taxis. Members of your household may also need to self-isolate. The Guide for Households Potentially Infected with COVID-19 page provides more information on self-isolation. If you are identified as a contact of someone outside your household who has tested positive, you must self-isolate for up to 10 full days after contact with the person who tested positive for COVID-19. That is, if your last contact with them took place at any time on the 15th of the month, your isolation period will end at 11:59 p.m. on the 25th. Follow these tips for a full 10 days after your last contact with the person who tested positive for COVID-19, or if the person is part of your household, until the household member who contracted COVID-19 reaches the end of their self-isolation period. If your test is positive, your self-isolation period includes the day your symptoms started (or the day you were tested if you had no symptoms) and the next 10 full days. If your LFD test is positive as of Thursday, January 6 and you are asymptomatic, you do not need to make an appointment for a confirmatory PCR test and should instead self-isolate immediately for 10 days or 7 days, provided you do not have a fever at the end of your isolation and return a negative LFD test no earlier than six days after the test. positive and another at least 24 hours later. You should also share the results of your lateral flow tests online to ensure that contact tracing can take place.

You can report your sideflow result on the UK government website. NHS Test and Trace will provide proof that someone has been instructed to self-isolate. This evidence may be shared with an employer or education provider. Get an isolation note if you need proof that you have been asked to self-isolate. If you are a health or social worker, or if you work in a health or social services sector that has been identified as a contact and is exempt from self-isolation, there are additional guides you should follow to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 in these settings. See COVID-19: Management of staff and exposed patients and residents in health and social services institutions. You must be able to prove that you cannot receive a COVID-19 vaccine for medical reasons. You can now apply for a medical exemption. If approved, your NHS COVID passport can be used to prove you are exempt from self-isolation if you are a contact of a positive case.

More information and how to apply for a medical exemption can be found here. Find out about the rules for travelling to Scotland and check if a country is on the red list. Self-isolation is when you do not leave your home because you have or may have coronavirus (COVID-19). This helps prevent the spread of the virus to other people. Added text to the Self-Isolation Support Grant for the Omicron variant. If you are notified by NHS Test and Trace that you have tested positive for COVID-19, you will need to self-isolate, whether or not you are exempt from self-isolation as a contact. It is still the law. If you are testing because you are a close contact and are exempt from self-isolation (see exceptions below), you do not have to self-isolate while waiting for your test result.

If the result is negative, you do not need to complete a 10-day self-isolation period, but you should also follow advice on how to avoid contracting and spreading COVID-19. Plan B Covid measures introduced in England in early December led to a change in self-isolation rules in the country as the threat of Omicron increased. Changes to several pages to reflect the change in the self-isolation period from 14 days to 10 days. If you cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, you must follow the rules for close contacts who are fully vaccinated. Added a more detailed definition of 10-day isolation with a link to the stay-at-home guide. Update on asymptomatic testing for contact information. From Monday 9 August, there will be no more travel restrictions to Scotland, with the exception of international quarantine rules. The rules for self-isolation after contact with a positive case are broadly similar across the UK. If your test is positive, you will need to complete a period of self-isolation. Read more guides on what to do if your test is positive. Your self-isolation period includes the day your symptoms began and the next 10 full days. If NHS Test and Trace identifies you as a contact, you are not exempt from self-isolation and you work in an essential service where the self-isolation instruction would affect the provision of that essential service, your employer will need to refer this to the local Health Protection Team (HPT) for a risk assessment.

You should follow these tips for up to 10 full days after you start your self-isolation. If you live with other people, they don`t have to self-isolate, but you should follow the advice on how to avoid transmitting COVID-19 to the people you live with. If you don`t live with other people, consider asking others for help or delivery services for essential activities like groceries. Self-isolation can be especially difficult if you are caring for children or vulnerable people who cannot stay with friends or family. There are certain exceptional circumstances for temporarily leaving self-isolation that do not apply if you test positive for COVID-19. These are: If you are identified as someone who has recently had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or lives in the same household as them, and you are not exempt from self-isolation as a contact, we will inform you that you must self-isolate in accordance with medical advice and the law. Self-isolation means staying home and not leaving the house at all times.