Legal Aid Lewisham

Our mission is to break down these barriers in order to create justice and equal opportunity for communities. We operate a resource centre in South London which provides services to our client groups in the form of legal advice, information, case handling, advocacy, training, volunteering and traineeships. The search results list legal aid lawyers and law firms in Lewisham that can handle cases with legal aid. You can read customer reviews or leave your own review. Legal aid is administered by the Commission des services juridiques and paid for by the government. It is helpful to pay the cost of legal advice in some cases where someone might not otherwise be able to afford it. Legal aid funds are managed in such a way as to protect people`s fundamental rights and to ensure a fair trial, access to judicial procedures, dispute resolution and address issues that contribute to social exclusion. We are supported by the London Legal Support Trust, an independent charity that helps raise funds for organisations providing free legal services in London and the South East. We rely on this partnership for funding and ongoing support.

You can support our annual fundraisers at this link and forward them to those who are in your contacts to receive donations for CLC`s work. The CLC was founded in response to reports that people from refugee, asylum-seeking, migrant, unemployed and disadvantaged members of Black, Asian and Ethnic Communities (BAME) generally feel excluded from the assessment of legal advice and advocacy for justice and access to legal provisions. In employment matters, we provide legal advice in the following areas: People and communities | Disability | Domestic violence| Homelessness and | housing Seniors | Social justice and democracy | Employment | Law and Legal Assistance The CLC was created to provide free and impartial legal advice and representation and to support and advise underrepresented and disadvantaged people from all walks of life. We provide specialist legal advice to people who cannot afford it in the areas of discrimination, employment, housing, planning, social law and immigration/asylum law. We try to help people who need specialist legal advice referred by partner agencies such as general counselling agencies, hospitals, social workers, MPs and local councillors. Our dedicated team of legal advisers and volunteers caters to people who have migrated to the UK from different countries and also works with those who have settled here on low incomes. Our management committee is made up of people with experience, passion and enthusiasm for our work, as most of them have hands-on experience with the issues our clients are dealing with. LLC is a partnership between CAL and Southwark Law Centre and aims to improve access to high-quality specialist legal advice for disadvantaged Lewisham residents who cannot afford a lawyer.

The CLC is a member of the Office of the Commissioner for Immigration Services (OISC) and authorised by the OISC to provide UK immigration, nationality and asylum services, legal advice and advocacy. The OISC is the government agency that regulates all providers of immigration advisory services in the UK. The CLC relies on its volunteers to support the valuable work it does. During the coronavirus outbreak, we continue to offer our consulting services, all our employees work from home and therefore face-to-face appointments are limited. Our opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00Weekends by appointment only CLC works with partners such as Refugee Action, Lewisham Migrant Forum, Lewisham BAME Network, Advice-UK, Lewisham Advice Forum and Refugee Council, to name a few, to pool expertise and maximise resources for the benefit of our clients. We offer a holistic counselling service and all consultants are trained both formally and on-the-job. Without the support of our trained consultants, we would not be able to meet the high demand for our services. If you are a member of the public who needs advice, please contact your local Citizen Advisory Service If agencies wish to refer a case or need help resolving a problem, please call us on 020 7732 2008 Monday to Friday 9.30-1 2-5.30 If you are an existing client of Southwark Law Centre and need to speak to your case worker, Please call us on 0207 732 2008.

The service is in addition to the services currently offered by members of Advice Lewisham`s partners. The Lewisham Law Centre is currently located at Citizens Advice Lewisham in the Leemore Community Advice Centre. For more information on where to get tips in Southwark: Where does this information come from? Most of the information on this page comes from the Solicitors Regulation Authority. However, some information may have been processed directly by the professional, the company or its representative. Learn more. Clients are referred to LLC by CAL and Advice Lewisham`s partners as well as external agencies. Let us help you while you help us. Contact us today to learn more about volunteering with us. Our head office is in Southwark and we have a second office, Lewisham Law Centre. Please check the information on the different topic pages to see what types of cases we could handle. ⚠ Report abuse To notify the Law Society of any inappropriate or offensive content posted on Find a Lawyer, please visit our Contact Us page. For advice on our services, please contact us to make an appointment for you.

“I just want to thank you very much. Words can`t explain how happy I am for my family now. We are also increasing our own resources so that we can continue to ensure equitable access to justice. To do this, we participate in fundraising events, some of which are listed here. If you have any other fundraising ideas, please contact us to let us know. for other community and non-profit institutions. We also offer assistance in applying for the following social benefits: All our advice is independent and confidential. We will always give you an honest assessment of the merits of your case and what we believe to be likely outcomes. We do not offer walk-in advice.

We see people by appointment. “Special thanks for my lawyer. But thank you is a very small word for them. All I can say is that Southwark Law Centre should be proud of them. “The Southwark Law Centre is a great place because they are always there to help people. They help me and I am very happy with them. ».