Legal Aid Society Bronx Housing

The quickest way to find out if you qualify for free housing legal aid is to call your district legal aid neighbourhood office: “harassment” is any act or omission by a landlord or a landlord`s representative that has the effect or intends to support a person who is legally entitled to live in a room or apartment. to abandon their room or apartment. or the rights relating to their rental. In upstate New York, tenant harassment can be a felony or misdemeanor. In New York City, tenant harassment is also a violation of housing law, and tenants can sue their landlord in housing court if they are harassed. Visit our legal aid directory to find legal help, or chat with a LiveHelp representative to help you navigate the site. Are you facing eviction in housing court or are you facing seizure in the Supreme Court? Are you threatened with eviction in NYCHA apartments or are you trying to sue for reparations? Do you need help with other housing problems? Are you homeless? You may be entitled to free legal assistance. If you are a member of a tenants` group or association or would like information on how to form a tenants` group or association, or if you are a board member or shareholder of HDFC coop, call the Housing Justice Unit`s advocacy helpline at 212-577-7988 Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

or Email The justice system can be overwhelming. Familiarize yourself with some legal terms and acronyms you may hear, such as appeal, adjournment, petition, jurisdiction, testimony, and affidavit. In upstate New York, a lender must file a lawsuit in the Supreme Court and obtain a foreclosure order against a homeowner who has not paid the mortgage. The landlord is legally entitled to collect rents and enter into leases until the foreclosure ends in an auction when the building is sold to a new owner or retained by the lender. The Legal Aid Society is a private, not-for-profit legal advisory organization, the oldest and largest in the country, dedicated to providing quality legal representation to low-income New Yorkers since 1876. It is dedicated to a simple but powerful belief: no New Yorker should be denied access to justice because of poverty. Bronx Legal Services focuses primarily on preventing evictions in housing court and related administrative proceedings. The housing unit represents tenants in cases of non-payment and withholding, termination of NYCHA lease, administrative hearings related to housing assistance, and proceedings requiring the repair of unsafe conditions. The unit also pursues targeted advocacy and litigation in state and federal courts on behalf of individuals, tenant groups, or other entities focused on fair housing and housing affordability. As part of the Housing Unit`s comprehensive approach to advocacy, the practice touches on a variety of related issues, including public benefits, family law and seizure law. In case of housing problems, you must call on Wednesday morning from 9am.

In case of problems with state benefits, you should call on Thursday morning from 9 am. Deals only with uncontested divorces. Call to put your name on the undisputed waiting list for a divorce. Have all the documents regarding the case handy when you call. Para problemas de vivienda, usted debe llamar los miércoles por la mañana empezando a las nueve. Para problemas con beneficios del gobierno, usted debe llamar los jueves por la mañana empezando a las nueve. Sólo se ocupa con los divorcios de mutuo acuerdo. Llamas para poner su nombre en la lista de espera para divorcios de mutuo acuerdo.

Tengas todos los documentos relativos a su caso en la mano cuando llamas. You have the right to clean and hygienic accommodation. This means that it must be in good condition and must not have any problems with mice, rats or insects. In New York, the law gives all tenants the right to safe, decent and hygienic housing. This right, commonly known as the guarantee of habitability, is contained in any written or verbal rental agreement and applies to the rented room or apartment, as well as to the common areas of the building. If you are homeless, call the Homeless Rights Project Helpline at 800-649-9125 Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you have received an eviction notice from a marshal, there is a risk that your locks will be replaced and your belongings removed. If your shelter has lost or damaged your belongings, you can sue in Small Claims Court up to $10,000.

The Legal Aid Society works throughout New York City to ensure that everyone has access to justice. Our teams of experts work in all areas of practice in almost every area of law that affects New Yorkers. New York continues to show resilience. We thrive on our mutual support and our donor community. Every person who works with Legal Aid is an essential part of our mission to create equal and racial justice. We are united by our values and work tenaciously to ensure that our customers receive the best. Your mortgage lender may contract with another company to service your mortgage. This company is called a mortgage service provider. They don`t own your loan, it`s the company you send your monthly payments to and turn to if you have questions about your account. During the term of your loan, the mortgage service provider may change several times. Rental break cases usually occur when you leave your apartment before the end of your rental period and thus “break” your lease.

These are possession suits (after leaving the apartment) brought by landlords in New York City Small Claims Court, civil court, or Supreme Court for rent arrears, attorneys` fees, and other rental costs. They also occur when landlords attempt to recover monetary judgments obtained in the housing court or simultaneously with the proceedings of the housing court. Every day, Legal Services changes the lives of its clients with the help of its generous donors. Join. Our generous donors have proven their commitment to justice for all New Yorkers! Thank you very much. The Legal Aid Society is based on a simple but strong belief: no New Yorker should be denied the right to equal justice. The Department of Homeless Services (DHS) needs to adapt its rules and procedures so that people with disabilities have equal access. If you have a disability and need DHS protection, DHS must give you what you need to use DHS housing and services.

There are many different ARs that DHS can give you, depending on what you need because of your disability. If you or someone you know speaks a language other than English, you have the right to request an interpreter and possibly documents in your preferred language from the Department of Homelessness Services. We ensure justice in every district and work tirelessly to make our city a better place. At the Legal Aid Society, working with our communities advances the work we do in every New York courtroom and informs our efforts to implement political and legal reform that benefits all New Yorkers. There are several steps you need to take if you want to sue DHS for civil damages. Although legal aid does not represent clients in this type of case, here is some general information on how to start your case. The annual Associates Campaign is one of the Legal Services` largest fundraisers. This initiative accounts for nearly one-third of all individual contributions in support of our work each year. If you currently live in a homeless shelter, you may be entitled to have Human Resources (HRA) pay for your furniture and items in a storage unit. A judge ordered the ERAP application portal to reopen by Tuesday, January 11, 2022. All eligible tenants must apply as soon as the portal is open. Please check this page for updates on the status of the portal.

Currently, Legal Aid offers remote services over the phone. Call this location directly or contact us via our main number (212) 577-3300 or the helpline (888) 663-6680, Monday to Friday from 10am to 3pm. From now until at least May 1, 2021, New York City tenants who meet the following requirements will be eligible for HRA`s Family Homelessness Eviction Prevention Supplement (FHEPS) program before your landlord sues you to evict you for non-payment of rent. FHEPS can pay ongoing rent (and refundable rent) for families with children who receive cash assistance and risk eviction. Immigrant families may be eligible. Clients can begin the application process in one of four ways. Sign up today to receive the latest news from the front lines of our fight for equal justice.

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