Legal Aid Tavua

So far, the Commission has provided legal advice to more than 26,000 Fijians, and the tours aim to help even more Fijians with free legal advice and support. The Director of Legal Aid, Shahin Ali, says all Fijians present can receive legal assistance and advice in all areas of the law. Fijians can get free access to their legal aid services during the tour. The roadshow is part of a series of tours organised by the Commission as part of the 3-year Strategic Plan to ensure that all Fijians have access to quality legal services, even if they are unable to pay for them. He says services will not be strictly limited to legal matters, as advice on issues with service providers and ministries is also available. Level 1, Trial Court Complex Tavewa Avenue 1st Floor, Dalpat Singh Building opposite Tavua Magistrate`s Court Nasivi Street 1st Floor, Naidu Investments Limited Vaileka Building Subdivision Main Street Follow us and stay up to date with all news and media Ali says this includes things ranging from writing free wills and helping with land-related issues to providing Advice on criminal matters such as bail, mitigation measures and pleadings add that they will also assist Fijians in family law matters on difficult issues such as divorce, alimony, DVRO and departure arrest orders. The Legal Aid Commission will hold an introductory tour at Tavua District High School this Saturday.

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