Legal Life Foundation

The mission of the Life Legal Defense Foundation (LLDF) is to provide innocent and defenseless people of all ages, especially children in their mothers` wombs, with a trained and committed defense against the threat of death and to support their lawyers in courtrooms across the country. Life Legal will fulfill its mission through law and education. Life Legal provided over 10,000 hours of pro bono legal assistance to a diverse group of clients across the country in 2021. We have a volunteer network of approximately 5,000 lawyers across the country who are ready to serve diligently. Life Legal works with individuals and organizations who have legal concerns, including freedom of expression, end-of-life issues, freedom of conscience and employment issues. We also provide education on life-related legal issues through conferences, webcasts, videos, social media, our website and legal education activities. The California Right to Life Educational Fund was established in 1981 to educate the general public about human embryology, prenatal life, and the sanctity and intrinsic value of every human life. Life Legal affiliated lawyers in the Twin Cities area. Life Legal MN works with attorneys and other pro-life groups to protect at-risk lives in Minnesota and surrounding states. A working group of lawyers, ethicists and health care providers to address inequities in medical care and treatment. We have seen a worrying shift in health care from saving and prolonging lives to deliberately shortening life and even facilitating death, especially when patients are injured or disabled. Our mission is to give innocent and defenseless people of all ages, especially babies in the womb, a trained and engaged defense against the threat of death and to support their advocates in courtrooms across the country.

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