Legal Management Subjects San Beda

The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major in Operations Management (OM) prepares students to lead and lead manufacturing- and service-oriented businesses. This program introduces the concepts, tools, and techniques for designing, planning, and managing manufacturing and service operations. The program also introduces students to various aspects of business, with an emphasis on discussing the relationships between these functions and operations management, aligning MO`s strategies, programs, and policies with the organization`s overall vision and strategy. Graduates can pursue careers in asset and facilities management, inventory management, quality assessment, and supply chain management, among others. The Bachelor of Science in Legal Management program is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills related to business law, obligations and contracts, taxation, labour law and negotiable instruments, as well as a global perspective and practical training opportunities to explore the legal aspects of business. Considered by many students as a degree to prepare for formal law school, the program also adequately equips students with the entrepreneurial skills, business and legal research skills, legal and business writing, and verbal communication skills needed to start their own business, pursue postgraduate studies, or participate in the business environment. The Bachelor of Science in Psychology program enables students to understand how the person`s mental processes and behavior are affected by internal, relational, and social factors. Psychology as a discipline and professional practice contributes to national development through basic and applied research and interventions aimed at solving problems and promoting optimal development and functioning at the individual, family, group, organizational/institutional, community and national levels. Bachelor`s degree programs in psychology provide initial training for those interested in teaching, research, and practicing psychology. In addition, they prepare for postgraduate studies in psychology as well as other studies in other professions such as medicine, law and business administration. A.B. Political science is a dynamic and innovative program designed to transform today`s youth into empowered members of society, endowed with intellectual skills, keen insight, prudent abilities and benedictine virtues. He is actively engaged in educating learners on critical social and political issues that define the diversity of cultural realities in which they exist in order to persevere with wisdom, understanding and a deep sense of responsibility.

It provides learners with in-depth knowledge and training on political processes, behaviour, policies and theories, as well as government policies, relationships and norms. Its ultimate goal is to produce leading figures in the fields of law and policy that transcend in the name of legal expertise and supremacy. The Bachelor of Science in Accounting program provides students with adequate technical knowledge in financial and management accounting, taxation, financial analysis, financial and tax auditing, business consulting, operations research, information systems development and assurance, financial reporting, corporate tax planning, cost analysis and control. The program prepares students for careers in public and private accounting or related fields such as banking and consulting. It also provides excellent preparation for graduate programs in accounting, economics, and law. At the end of the program, a student has the professional competence of a candidate for the CPA licensing examination. The program is designed to give students different perspectives on financial decision-making and analysis. local and global corporate finance; investment management and associated risks; The different financial intermediaries and a variety of other areas of financial education with an emphasis on the application of different theoretical models. The programme enhances the skills needed to prepare students for a rewarding career in the various areas of finance by developing their analytical skills, technical accounting and finance skills, oral and written communication skills, and research. Graduates of the program pursue careers in financial services as well as traditional national and multinational companies. Available positions include: Controller, Credit Analyst, Financial Analyst, Financial Planner, Loan Officer, Securities Analyst, Securities Dealer or Treasury Dealer.

Hello, I am a 2nd year Legma de San Beda student. So far, I`ve been able to say Survival`s Survival of the Fittest Talaga. To give you a little foundation, law topics are really difficult, but training at Legma is already like a real law school, so there are some. You will have to sacrifice a lot, but I think in terms of teaching super ok naman siya lalo na his major/law subject. Minor subjects would certainly be an obstacle, Year 2 is the most difficult accdg for our seniors and I could confirm that, Year 1 Atty. HRL is the best, so enjoy their way of teaching, and if luckily you reach Year 3, you will have a safe place in Legma Na. Sipag Talaga Yung Kailangan. The BS Environmental Science programme covers a wide range of environmental concerns. It attempts to study the interactions between the environment and human society using the tools of science in an interdisciplinary way. It also recognizes the crucial role of human society in the environment; In doing so, it lays the foundation for effective environmental management. Graduates of the BS Psychology program can work as psychometricians in clinical, industrial and academic institutions. You can also work as a human resources practitioner, researcher, managing director and teacher.

You can also pursue careers in medicine, law, management, and education. In addition, they can follow specialized training in clinical psychology, work and organizational psychology, educational psychology, etc. Hello! Plan to apply San Beda for college. I just want to ask those studying at San Beda if San Beda is a good legal management school. Please specify exactly what they are good for (e.g. Teacher, administrator, etc.) Thank you! Bachelor of Science in Legal Management provides an overview of the Philippine judicial system and basic knowledge of appropriate legislative procedures. Students learn topics related to trade rights, taxes, obligations and contracts, as well as negotiable instruments. It is considered one of the best degrees of privilege because of its solid foundation in the fundamental legal concepts and principles that govern the Philippine legal system.

BS graduates in Legal Management may be employed as adjunct staff in a law firm and other paralegal employment. Hi po! Can I find out where to get a list of subjects/syllabus from Year 1 to Year 4 for the Legal Management course? The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, majoring in Human Resource Development Management, prepares students for careers in the field of human resource management and development. The programme covers all human resource functions and provides students with the value and skills to recruit, select, motivate, train, develop and retain people in an organisation. The program also introduces students to various aspects of business, with an emphasis on discussing the relationships between these functions and human resource management, aligning HR strategies, programs, and policies with the organization`s overall vision and strategy. The Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Technology is designed to provide students with the technical knowledge, critical understanding, and skills necessary to develop, use, and manage information exchange tools in a business context. It provides students with the technical knowledge and skills in logical formulation and analysis of algorithms essential for computer programming and the design of modern computer operating systems, database management system software, computer graphics and multimedia systems, data communications, network installation and management, and wireless applications. organization of computer systems, development of websites, social networks and e-commerce technologies.

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