Legal Nomad Maklouba

As I realized, there is an art to make Maklouba. You can be very creative and make fun patterns with your vegetables. I added carrots to the ground for a little flair. The website was a way to store, share, and tell their travel time. What started as a pure storage platform has now grown into a full-fledged business and helps Jodi financially realize her travel dreams. Thanks to, Jodi doesn`t have to return to her legal profession to fund her dreams. The website serves as an online store where you can purchase uniquely printed T-shirts with the typographic food ration cards. Apart from that, Jodi deliberately stayed away from paid online ads and pop-ups to keep her website uncluttered. I really recommend using a plate big enough to spin the maccouba out of the bush, which I foolishly didn`t do here. Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Discover recipes from around the world, exceptional artwork and culinary posters and much more on Jodis Jodi`s website, in short, is a powerful resource of their travels around the world, specially written free travel guides that will help you eat delicious but without disease. Stay no matter where you go. The dish contains meat, rice and vegetables fried in a saucepan, which is then spilled when served, hence the name Maklouba, which literally translates to “returned”.

To show how much we love this dish, we decided to put together a list of our favorite harvesters that will make your belly aggressive. The name Maklouba – which means “on the head” in Arabic – addresses the main characteristics of the dish: with fried vegetables, seasoned rice and choice meat, it presents itself by carefully turning the pot upside down and turning it over. If you are Arab, then you should probably know what a maqluba is. If you are a foreigner or one of the unfortunate Arabs who have no idea what a Makluba is, let us educate you. It is a traditional dish of the Levant and very popular in Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and Syria. So practically everywhere! Starting each meal with such a wonderful whirlwind of taste seemed decadent at first. I`m not used to the dance of flavors that mezzes bring, and I loved every bite. And then I came to the main courses like Maklouba.

If someone tries this at home, send me your photos at – I`d love to see what a fun delicacy upside down you find! -Jodi You should never browse Legal Nomads, a blog about food and travel, while you`re hungry. Drooling could damage your computer. If I wasn`t hungry before I came across this mouth-watering Jordanian recipe, I quickly did. Enjoy Maklouba, the Middle East`s answer to the upside-down cake. It is rice, meat and fried vegetables, beautifully plated and laced with a kaleidoscope of spices: turmeric, cumin, cinnamon. If you can`t make a trip to Jordan in the foreseeable future, here you have the opportunity to cook a small piece of the destination in your kitchen. JE: I love a lot of the dishes I`ve eaten in Jordan, but two are particularly complicated and both are the ones I recommend. One is Maklouba, literally flat “upside down”. It`s a lot of fun to do at home, so it`s always great to try it out at the source. Using spirals of vegetables, chicken and seasoned rice, the dish is cooked with a lid and then turned on the plate when ready. Delicious.

The Maklouba recipe only requires 1 tablespoon of Baharat, so I kept the rest in an airtight container to use again for my next Maklouba tour. For those who prefer to get their recipes in video format, I share a video of The Cookbook on YouTube creating their own version of Maklouba/Makloubeh on their channel. I`m not affiliated with them, but over the years people have asked me to make videos for my recipes, and I`m unfortunately too sick to do it now. So I make a connection with someone else who does it well. It was fun to experiment with different versions of Maklouba and build a tapestry of colors and textures that is only visible when I flip the dish. I first tried to fry the onions with turmeric, yellowing them and leaving the rice white. The origin of Maklouba appears to be a medieval Arabic cookbook, but the dish can now be found throughout the Middle East. Place the lamb chops on a baking sheet and season with salt and pepper. Thank you for your helpful suggestions, Chef Tariq, especially on how to cook rice thoroughly. The very short range of my gas burners is capricious and difficult to calibrate.

I have to turn the knob lower than “Lo” to avoid boiling on the bottom when making simple rice. It`s a balancing act between keeping the flame low and preventing it from going out! I am motivated to try again using your suggestions for better results. You can also make a vegetarian version by using canned chickpeas as a meat substitute if you wish. KK: Some of the challenges, I would say, would be training in the desert or in very wet situations. Before paying attention to the climate, it changes drastically and can sneak over you. So stay well hydrated, use sunscreen and, if possible, stay in the shade. Anything that makes you sick will take away the joy of taking pictures, and if you`re stuck in your bed or bathroom because you`re sick, you`re not taking many pictures. I hope. Maklouba recipe: chicken and eggplant dish upside down| Legal nomads. Having lived in Montreal for most of her youth, Jodi was a lover of football and travel and food was nowhere in her mind. Attending law school was also a matter of intuitive choice, rather than being an eternal dream. All in all, a normal girl who simply believed that winning as a corporate lawyer and a sedentary life would be her life in a few years.

However, a holiday break changed everything. It`s also important not to spill everything when you flip the pot. Let`s just say that when I tried this at home, the first iteration landed on the floor. In a quick move with oven gloves, hold the pan handles against the plate and turn your pan upside down so that it is now upside down. I like to look through an article that makes men and women think. Thank you also for allowing me to comment! Of all the many recipes I make, I love Maqluba the most for its simplicity and taste. Matt, looking back on your travels through Jordan, what would you do differently on a return trip? Even Wikipedia notes that the origin of the dish is simply “Middle Eastern”, adding that it dates back centuries and can be found in the Kitab al-Tabikh, a collection of recipes dating back to the 13th century. In his May 2019 cookbook Saffron in the Souks: Vibrant Recipes from the Heart of Lebanon, John Gregory-Smith writes, “Makloubeh is a delicious rice dish found throughout the Middle East.” Jodi gathered references from her experiences and wrote stories about her adventure and experiences with cooking and published her 1st book The Food Traveler`s Handbook in 2012. Since then, there has been no turning back. Jodi was an accomplished food blogger and her writing resonates with a growing fan base. Excellent recipes, it`s delicious and too tasty too, so thank you. When Jodi Ettenberg graduated from law school, she had no idea that this profession would not be the reason for her eternal happiness.

For this in-house lawyer today, law is neither her profession nor her passion. Jodi is a full-time traveler and food blogger who has been traveling homeless for 8 years, exploring the world through her varied cuisine. This is the perfect dish if you have a lot of mouths to feed as you can always add to the recipe. Easy to prepare. The result was fragrant and delicious and successful! My husband said, “I bet no other family on this street is eating so well tonight!” I served it with Bulgarian tarator. Some of the rice floated on the ground under the parchment, was burned, and got stuck on the pan. It took longer for the rice to be cooked. When I turned the pan over, the chops were not on top, but rather under a layer of rice. Any suggestions to make it look more like yours? It`s a dish you can prepare in the relatively short term, and it`s definitely a crowd favorite. When it comes to yogurt sauce, it could be anything from plain yogurt to cucumber, mint and yogurt sauce.

Caroline Costello`s travel accomplishments include surviving a 2am whitewater rafting tour in the Canadian wilderness, successfully biking from Düsseldorf to Cologne without a card, and access to a pizza speakeasy in New Orleans. Maglouba can also be spelled Magloubeh, Maglouba, Maqluba, Makloubeh and sometimes Ma`aloubeh and has its origins in the Middle East in general, not just Jordan. I learned this recipe in Jordan from a Jordanian chef – but there are versions from Syria, Lebanon and elsewhere. Inspired by this recipe, published on the Legal Nomads website, I made Jordanian Maklouba, which literally means “upside down”. This dish was fantastic and is characterized by the use of baharat or “7 spices” – a happy marriage of, you guessed it, 7 spices. In the end, I left out the eggplant in this recipe, but it was still delicious and my whole house smelled like a wonderful spice market. I think you can easily make it a vegetarian recipe by completely omitting the meat and using vegetable broth to cook the rice.

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