Legal Profession (Magistrates Court) (Civil) Determination 2020

Legal profession (superior and district courts) (litigation) Provision 2020 This provision applies to fees charged to lawyers, trainee lawyers and paralegals for advising or acting in connection with proceedings or potential proceedings before the Magistrates Court of Western Australia. For example, if a lawyer practises before the Magistrates Court in February 2020, for example by making a claim for a debt, the 2018 provision applies. If he works in July 2020, the 2020 provision will apply. Each provision is reviewed every 2 years and begins on July 1 of the year in which it is reviewed. It includes all work performed after the start of the determination. Work performed prior to the commencement of a finding is covered by the previous determination for the same court. This provision applies only to civil law. Criminal law is dealt with in a separate provision. The Law Society of NSW Costs Committee Costs (Australian Law Reform Commission) The Laws of Australia – Title 5 – Civil Procedure (Westlaw Australia) Search for Commonwealth legislation on the Federal Register of Legislation Search for Western Australian legislation on Western Australian Legislation Technical terms searched in the catalogue include cost law, Australian Cost Law and Western Australian Cost Law. Halsbury`s Laws of Australia – Title 325 – Practice and Procedure > VII Judgment and Enforcement > 2) Costs (Lexis Advance) Search the library catalogue for texts on Calderbank v Calderbank costs [1975] 3 All ER 333 (repealed in 2002) Source of the ICLR or vLexJustis Supreme Court of Western Australia Consolidated Practice Directions LawNow legislation by Lexis Advance – go to a section and click on “>>”, to find related comments or cases. Parliament of Australia – Bills, Explanatory Statements, Second Reading Speeches, Bill Book and Hansard Tip: Access the Bill`s home page, which contains links to all related extrinsic documents Parliament of Western Australia – Bills, Explanatory Memorandums, Second Reading Speeches and Hansard Key laws applicable to cost law include: Use Legify to find authoritative versions of the legislation. This finding does not apply where a client and his lawyer have entered into a written fee agreement under the Legal Profession Act 2008. Hospital Products Ltd v.

United States Surgical Corporation (1984) 156 CLR 41 Source from Westlaw Australia General Cost Law Texts are put on hold (e.g. 347.9) Advice on Legal Problem Solving and Drafting For more information, see Part 3 “Application” of the Conclusion. AU Family / Costs: General Principles / Lexis Advance Australian Family Law and Practice Commentary (CCH IntelliConnect).

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