Legally Blonde 3 Wiki

Elle`s snobbish classmates disapprove of her clothes, and the only person willing to help her is legal assistant Emmett Forrest (“The Harvard Variations”). However, he cannot protect her from the bloodthirsty Professor Callahan (“Blood In The Water”) in class. Callahan kicks Elle out of the classroom at the suggestion of her classmate Vivienne Kensington, who happens to be Warner`s new friend. This “tragedy” evokes the apparitions of the sisters of Delta Nu, who, as a Greek choir visible and audible only by Her, encourage them to remain positive (“positive”). She, believing that the blonde is the problem, decides to become a brunette. She goes to the Hair Affair salon, where she meets beautician Paulette, who, after telling Elle about her hair dyeing plan, tells Elle that when she`s down, she puts on her favorite Celtic Moods CD and dreams of Ireland and her Irishman dream. In the living room, Vivienne unexpectedly invites Elle to a costume party. Paulette sends Elle dressed in a costume for the party with encouraging words (“Ireland (Reprise)”). Elle Woods, a blonde and repatriated university of Southern California president, is deeply in love with her Warner Huntington III university love. When Warner enrolls in Harvard Law School and wants to find a more serious girl than Her as a wife, she plans a plan to follow him there to win him back. The delighted girls of UCLA`s Delta Nu sorority, led by Margot, Serena and Pilar, celebrate Warner Huntington III`s expected engagement that night to its cheeky, sweet, surprisingly blonde nurse president, Elle Woods, who is worried about finding the perfect dress for the occasion (“Omigod You Guys”). After acquiring her dream dress, Elle goes to dinner with Warner, where he tells her that he needs someone more serious and breaks up with her.

She is devastated and sulks for twelve days (“Daughter Of Delta Nu”), but decides to sue Warner at Harvard Law School to show him that she is serious. With the help of Delta Nu`s sister Kate, she studies for LSATS. Instead of writing a personal essay, she burst into Harvard`s admissions offices, aided by a group of cheerleaders. She is accepted after revealing that she is motivated by love (“What You Want”). Legally Blonde is a 2001 American drama film directed by Amanda Brown. It was directed by Robert Luketic and written by Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith and starred Reese Witherspoon, Luke Wilson, Selma Blair, Matthew Davis, Victor Garber and Jennifer Coolidge. The film tells the story of Elle Woods, a sister who tries to win back her ex-boyfriend by earning a Juris Doctor degree. The title is a play on the term “legally blind.” Sorority`s former president, Elle Woods, is happy and in love with her boyfriend. She wants nothing more than to marry and become Mrs. Warner Huntington III. However, Huntington won`t suggest saying she`s “too blonde.” .

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