Legally Blonde Lines

“Legally Blonde” first enchanted audiences with its sparkling story of a heartbroken blonde who became a brilliant Harvard law student when it hit theaters on July 13, 2001. Hosted by the incomparable Reese Witherspoon, Elle Woods was instantly charming: a lively SoCal optimist with an eternally pink wardrobe and an unwavering belief in equally adorable people. One of the most iconic lines from this film, catapulting a relatively unknown chemical into the spotlight. And also helped Elle win her first case. Thank you, Elle, for the chemistry lesson! Although it begins as a romantic comedy, the film quickly abandons the romantic plot and becomes a feminist film about a woman who learns to love and believe in herself in order to achieve her goals. Her peers underestimate her because of her blonde hair and optimistic personality, but they are all wrong when she wins her case. Since its debut, “Legally Blonde” has become one of the most indisputable films of all time, with lines like “What? As if it would be difficult? ” and “I`m going to show you how precious Elle Woods can be! ” and received top marks in the Unofficial Dialogue Hall of Fame. It surprises not only scene after scene, but line after line, even word for word, with a fluid friendliness and trust that has served as a philosophy among fashion-conscious dog lovers for over two decades. “Legally Blonde” sent Elle to Washington, D.C.

in 2003 with a patriotic sequel titled “Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, & Blonde.” In 2007, the story of Elle received the Broadway treatment with the musical by Nell Benjamin and Laurence O`Keefe, which received seven Tony nominations. Elle Woods: “So you`re breaking up with me because so am I. blonde? “All people see when they look at me is blonde hair and big breasts. ” – Elle Woods “You break up with me because I`m too much. blonde? » – Elle Woods Shop Saleswoman: There`s nothing I like better than a stupid blonde with Daddy`s plastic. Paulette: [to her ex-husband] I`m going to take the dog. IDIOT! In one of the funniest, most beautiful, and smartest scenes in the movie, she helps her depraved classmate David Kidney land a date. “I`m a law student who just realized that her teacher is a pathetic.” – Elle Woods 34. “I know I`m a cheater! It`s not like normal women can have that! She sums up her journey of change for her classmates and for us, the public. Having confidence in ourselves is important to make amazing changes in our lives. “During my three years at Harvard, I discovered that passion is the key to the study and practice of law and life.” – Elle Woods. Mr.

Stromwell: Well, I recommend knowing that before you speak. The law leaves a lot of room for interpretation, but very little for self-doubt. And you were right. It was Aristotle. “You didn`t just bring him in. I saw him in Teen Vogue a year ago. So if you`re trying to sell it to me at full price, you`ve chosen the wrong girl. “Elle Woods Related: Want to join Reese Witherspoon`s book club? Here`s what you need to know Elle: [a sudden brainstorming is coming to Elle] Mrs. Windham, have you ever had a perm? Again very innocent and polite, Elle Warner shows him his place and tells him that she is above him and realizes what a manipulative and selfish guy he is. It felt good to see her return it to him and not ask for his attention. Her: [Cross-examining the Windham chutney] Ms. Windham, what did you do earlier that day? Watching this film, one can get the feeling that it is also a vehicle for the promotion of Cosmopolitan magazine.

When she meets Brooke in prison to find her alibi, she gives her a selection of fashion accessories and toiletries crowned by her “bible”, Cosmopolitan magazine. Paulette: So what should a girl do? This is a guy who followed his hack for greener pastures. I am a middle-aged school dropout with stretch marks and a big one. 34. Warner: “Poohbear, get in the car.” Her: “No.” Warner: “You`re going to ruin your shoes.” Her: “Okay.” David: My name is David Kidney. I have a master`s degree in Russian literature, a doctorate in biochemistry and for the past eighteen months I have been deworming orphans in Somalia. DA Joyce Rafferty: Objection, why is this relevant? [She silently discovers, but suddenly discovers that Warner doesn`t respect her and never will] Vivian tries to humiliate Elle by inviting her to a “costume party” that was just a normal party. She delivers this burn in her typical cute style. “Legally Blonde” is a really motivating movie – if you ever need a little pep in your crotch, watch it to channel your inner Elle Woods. Elle Woods: “Did you see the disgusting brown color of her hair?” 24.

“Don`t trample on me on your little Prada shoes from last season, honey.” 3. “I once had to judge a tight competition for Lambda Kappa Pi. Trust me, I can handle everything. Brooke: I know! I am an imposter! It`s not that normal women can have that! If my fans knew I bought it, I`d lose everything! “I thought it was very noble of you.” – Vivian Kensington. Elle Woods: [after being chosen to work on Brooke`s case] Oh, Warner? Do you remember the incredible four hours we spent in the hot tub after Winter Formally? Her: You know, a girl in my sisterhood, Tracy Marcinco, once had a perm. We have all tried to dissuade him. The curls were not a good look for her. She had no bone structure, but luckily she entered the Pheta Delta Phi wet t-shirt contest on the same day, where she was completely from head to toe. 22. “If I want to be a senator, I have to marry a Jackie, not Marilyn.” Her: I heard that the maintenance staff was changing our toilet paper from Charmin. too generic. All those who are against irritation, please say “Aye”.

5. Elle Woods: “Here it is [resume].” Professor Callahan: “It`s pink.” Elle Woods: “Oh, and it smells good! I think that gives him a little more, don`t you think? She has another epiphany in the aforementioned party when she realizes that Warner continues to shift the finish posts of the qualifications she must acquire to be his wife. Warner Huntington III: Hey, well, you don`t sound like a walking crime? “Believe me, Paulette, you have all the equipment. All you have to do is read the manual. – Elle Woods “Good morning, patriots! I don`t think I`ve been this excited since Gucci became a publicly traded company. One of the most iconic quotes from this film is from another film. Elle`s video essay for admission to Harvard Law School (for which she hired a Coppola) shows her unique ability to use legalese in everyday life. “I`m going to show you how valuable Elle Woods can be.” – Elle Woods (and I`m writing this article) Vivian Kensington: [after Elle left] Four hours?. While discussing a case study, she makes this argument in support of her position (which was the opposite of her ex`s), which also impresses Professor Callahan. Later, we learn that it was something else that impressed Callahan. The Honourable Marina R. Bickford: Balliff, take the witness into custody where she will be charged with the murder of Joseph Windham.

Dismisses the action; Ms. Windham, you can go. Enrique Salvatore: A restaurant in Concord where no one could recognize us. Elle`s mother: Honey, you were the first finalist in the Miss Hawaiian Tropics pageant.

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