Legalzoom Trademark Process

Registering a trademark can protect your trademark. This simple guide will walk you through submitting documents, what it costs and much more. In addition to federal trademark registration, you can register your trademark with the state where your company is located. Registering a trademark in that state can help protect your trademark in that state and is useful if your goods or services are only available in that state. Yet it does not have the national scope of federal registration. Registration requirements vary from state to state. Once you have completed a trademark name search and filed your application, there are three steps left in the process. The USPTO authorizes a trademark — which is a name, logo, or slogan — per application. When you register a trademark with the USPTO, you get the greatest possible protection for your trademark. The advantages are: the notice of approval indicates that your trade mark has survived the opposition period after its publication in the Official Journal and provides that a trade mark has been admitted for registration; However, this does not mean that the trademark has been fully and definitively registered. There are four basic requirements for registering a trademark (or service mark) with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO): Once you`ve found the perfect name, slogan, logo, or phrase for your product or service, feel free to file an application with the USPTO. Because trademark applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis, the sooner your trademark application is received, reviewed and approved, the sooner your trademark will be legally protected from use by your competitors.

When you save a trademark in a special character format, your design is a .jpg file that contains the mark you want to save. The most distinctive trade names are “embossed” or invented names such as “Kodak” or random names that use an existing word to identify an unrelated product, such as “Apple” for computers. You can also trademark a suggestive name that implies a product or product feature without actually describing it, such as “Greyhound” bus. Our lawyer-led trademark package costs 75% less than a traditional lawyer.^ Protecting your brand starts with a robust trademark search. If you know what the other brands are, you will understand if there is room for the brand you want to protect. Look for brands that might confuse your customers. If a trademark similar to the one you want to protect exists, which is used in a similar industry, protecting your trademark can be difficult. It`s best to inquire early to find a brand that`s easier to protect. You are no doubt aware of the right to a speedy trial. But is there a right to a quick trademark? Barely. In fact, it can take anywhere from a few months to several years before a trademark application is approved by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). You will receive a registration certificate approximately four months after the publication of the trademark.

The notice of approval also takes about four months, but requires several additional steps. Trademark protection for your company`s name, logo, or slogans is an important way to protect your work. Learn how to get started with this easy-to-follow explanation of how the signup process works, how much it costs, how much it takes to time, and more. Your trademark application must correctly indicate whether your trademark is used for goods or services: “goods” are products you sell, while “services” are activities you perform for other people. The USPTO reviews your application within a few months, then sends an action from the office with questions or concerns, or approves your trademark for publication. If it is published and the public objects within 30 days, your trademark is officially registered. At the time of publication, the filing fee for a trademark application is $250 to $750 per class of goods and/or services. The fee will not be refunded if your application is rejected and subject to change. Registering a trademark sounds simple, but it`s not always easy to register a trademark yourself. To successfully register a trademark, start with a trademark search, make sure you understand the requirements, file a specific application, respond quickly to issues, and get help.

It`s a long process, but it`s worth it. 1. The trade mark must be applied for under the name of the beneficial proprietor. The trademark owner is the person who controls the nature and quality of the goods sold or services provided under the trademark.