Navy Male Prt Requirements

The Navy`s PRT standards are basic numbers for the minimum you should be able to achieve for each particular activity. There are different standards for men and women, and it is your responsibility to ensure that you can meet the minimum standards before coming to training camp. To make it easier to adapt to training camp, PRT standards are set in advance to ensure you meet the minimum requirements. Navy PRT standards are applied to ensure that new recruits, both men and women, arrive at training camp with physical conditions met. The following diagrams are the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) requirements for boards, push-ups and 1.5-mile stroke for seafarers serving in the United States Navy. To complete the Navy Bootcamp, your age group must achieve a minimum PRT score of Medium Satisfactory. New recruits must complete a 1.5-mile run. The men must finish the race by 1.5 in less than 16:10. The women must finish the race in less than 18:07. Male sailors have different minimum standards than women for training camps. Minimum expectations depend on your age. All recruits arriving at the Navy Training Camp will complete a basic initial fitness assessment.

The evaluation includes a 1.5-mile run, push-ups and boards. Male rookies must finish the race within 16 minutes 10 seconds, female rookies within 18 minutes 37 seconds or less. PT training programs for the Navy EPR can be found under these links FIT recruits will then have 48 hours to complete the 1.5-mile run within acceptable time frames. If a recruit fails on the first attempt, they are given additional opportunities that can lead to a delay in training. If a recruit continually fails, they are likely to be fired with a re-enrollment code RE-8. You should practice swimming and running if you don`t already consider yourself proficient in both exercises. To determine if new recruits are ready for service, they must pass the Physical Readiness Test (PRT). The event is all about running 1.5 miles as fast as possible.

Any combination of running or walking is allowed to complete the event. Future sailors must be physically prepared for the rigors of training camp. Too much training time is wasted because budding sailors come to training camp without the minimum of strength and endurance. It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet the standards. To ensure you meet the standards when you arrive at boot camp, adopt a healthy lifestyle that encourages good nutrition and daily exercise. The baseline is intended to ensure that the new employee meets absolute minimum standards. Physical preparation for Navy Training Camp is a challenge you need to take seriously while keeping your safety in mind. The great thing about training is progress. Set personal fitness goals and develop a plan to achieve them. Trying to start training camp without preparation can lead to injury.

The sooner you engage in preparation, the better off you will be. NOTE: Starting in 2020, the Navy will make some changes to the Fitness Assessment (PFA). Sailors will no longer crack for two minutes, and there will be a change in the way the push-ups are made. Also in the list of options, a bike or rowing test can replace the running test. More details on the standards for success and maximizing these new changes will be updated later with new charts. Cracks are now plank poses, and pumps are cadence pumps. PFA stands for Physical Fitness Assessment. The basic PFA takes place in the training camp.

Fitness takes time to achieve desired goals, especially if you consider yourself out of shape. To complete training camp, a sailor needs an overall category of “good [low],” which means their average in three events must be 60 points or higher. Follow age guidelines to determine the bare minimum to stay in training camp and not be expelled from the Navy. If you have other questions that are not explained in the FAQ below, we recommend speaking to your local recruiter for more information. The recruit can continue training and must then meet PRA standards based on age and gender. *Recruits who do not reach the baseline in seconds may be offered a third chance. The Navy`s PFT score is determined by averaging the scores of the three fitness events. It is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle that promotes daily exercise and good nutrition. The Navy says sailors need to make sure they are physically prepared for the rigors of training camp. We recommend starting with a regular and consistent fitness routine months before training camp. Under no circumstances will a marine representative perform or perform physical activities with you until the following actions have been completed: Participation in a fitness program during the Deferred Admission Program (DEP) is strictly voluntary.

Recruits who fail the baseline are placed in FIT status.