Nsw Government Legal Panel Rules

Any work in an area of law for which no company is appointed to the committee is an off-panel job. However, the PDF, 52.63 KB out-of-panel policy explains that there are some exceptions, such as when working in one “off-panel” jurisdiction is incidental to other work. Organizations should contact a law firm designated for the relevant area of law for legal services to obtain an estimate. Alternative price agreements may be requested and are the subject of an agreement between the Office and the firm of experts. The Panel Rules PDF, 608.69 KB (PDF,119KB) govern whether competitive offers must be obtained. The process is covered in sections 6 to 8 of the PDF certificate, 1035.76 KB. (PDF,1.01MB) The Corporation will provide a cost estimate or project overview upon request. Instructions should be given using the DOCX Legal Services Order Form, 38.8 KB. (DOCX,36.2 KB) The Panel Rules explain how legal services may be procured by the Panel, including covered legal services, thresholds for obtaining estimates (competitive prices), and the inclusion of entities outside the Panel agreements. Each agency should appoint an agency contract manager, who is the person who normally manages the procurement of legal services.

The agency`s contract manager is responsible for ensuring that reasonable arrangements are made to engage panel companies. Individual agencies are responsible for managing law firms and panel firms should first contact the XLSX agency contract manager, 3613.08 KB. Further details and examples can be found in the list of subgroups and areas of law PDF, 171.87 KB. The agencies are responsible for managing the transfer of existing cases to the Commission. The contract manager of each agency will take care of this. The NSW Government Legal Services Panel provides a range of legal services and expertise to meet the external legal needs of New South Wales government agencies (and other bodies authorised to purchase from New South Wales public procurement markets). Under the New South Wales Public Procurement Framework, the Group Rules govern the procurement of legal services from the Group. Transport for NSW executed the act in order to establish the organization as a state-wide agreement. Any organization authorized to purchase under a government contract can purchase from this panel. In this context, the act establishes the panel in the context of procurement. In other words, while the act and service agreement govern the legal relationship between agencies and designated companies, agencies are subject to panel rules under the procurement framework established under the Public Works and Procurement Act of 1912.

Without specifying a classification, the documents are linked in this way: the panel is composed of a mix of small, medium and large companies. On 1 July 2016, the New South Wales Government established the New South Wales Government Legal Services Panel (New South Wales Panel), its first statewide panel for the provision of legal services to government. The Panel Rules contain pro bono provisions (see below). Pro bono requirements will continue in the same form under the new Legal Services Regulations, which will apply for 3 years starting July 1, 2021. The XLSX contact detail list, 1247.16 KB contains the contact details of each panel company`s cluster relationship partner. The New South Wales Panel consists of six sub-committees, each managed by a New South Wales Expert Manager. There are currently 40 law firms listed on the New South Wales Panel, which is currently managed by Transport for NSW. The provisions governing the panel are set out in the Panel Rules and the Trust Indenture. The current agreement (TfNSW WS2395335079) commenced on 1 July 2021 and ends on 30 June 2024 with two additional options of 3 years each. You will also find here additional explanations of pro bono provisions in government tenders, including a comparison of arrangements introduced by the governments of the Commonwealth, Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland.

Transport for NSW will report to the Procurement Board every 6 months on the panel`s expenditures. Agencies are required to report non-panel expenses to the panel manager every 6 months for delivery to the procurement committee. The panel manager shall develop provisions for panel users to provide feedback on the performance of panel companies. It is expected that this will be available online in the near future. Yes, the panel rules PDF, 608.69 KB with the Off-Panel Engagement Policy PDF, 52.63 KB and the Conflict Management Policy PDF, 45.19 KB apply to agencies that use the panel, but it is helpful for panel companies to understand them as well. We would welcome further guidance on how to classify issues for panel purposes in terms of size and complexity for commercial and real estate transactions. For example, there may be a large real estate development project that involves a number of common real estate transactions, for example standard leases as part of the project. In such a case, please indicate whether the entire project (including its routine aspects) is expected to fall under the “Complex Real Estate Transactions” sub-box or whether it is possible that the current parts of a larger project will fall under the “Current/Standard Real Property Transactions” sub-panel. We believe a flexible approach can help the New South Wales Government maximise cost savings. We understand that this must be done on a case-by-case basis. Agencies are invited to purchase legal services from the panel. The Off-Panel Engagements Guideline PDF, 52.63 KB explains when agencies can use law firms outside of panel arrangements.

The Service Level Agreement PDF, 175.45 KB (Appendix C of the certificate) defines roles and responsibilities for panel management. See section 4 of the SLA. It is strongly recommended that you seek legal services from the panel. You benefit from a range of administrative arrangements such as management and reporting, including reporting on savings. The Guideline on Off-Panel Engagements PDF, 52.63 KB explains when you can use companies outside of panel arrangements. The summary list PDF, 390.08 KB is a table showing subpanels and areas of law for each designated law firm. The various bodies will decide whether the existing issues will be transferred to the new body. Please contact the agency`s instructor or contract manager to discuss what will happen. Transport for NSW is the panel manager.

Transport for NSW managed the procurement process, which was overseen by a steering committee consisting of general counsel from each central body of the group. After the insurance coverage expires, an updated currency certificate must be presented to the panel leader prior to the next invoice. There are reporting requirements for agencies that use non-panel companies. Panel firms must provide the panel manager with a currency certificate for their insurance before submitting their first invoice. The Committee Rules and the Off-Committee Engagement Policy set out exceptions to hiring designated companies and explain what work is outside the scope of the committee. In the Frequently Asked Questions for Agencies or Designated Companies, you will find information on how the panel documents relate to each other. All organizations eligible to purchase New South Wales Government contracts can purchase legal services from the panel. The XLSX Cluster Relationship Partner list, 1247.16 KB contains Panel Relationship Partners and Cluster Relationship Partners. This responsibility rests with the Agency and the panel company and is generally based on the elements contained in the service letter issued as part of the call for tenders and now extracted separately on ProcurePoint. While this may not cover all situations, it is detailed enough to provide clear guidance on where an issue should be classified. This is a closed panel – new suppliers are not added. Questions regarding the use of the panel should first be directed to agency contract managers (list forthcoming).

The agency contract manager will contact the panel manager if necessary. See guidance note 8.0 – Changes to Panel Firm Reports: One factor is the delivery requirement. For example, the agency may ensure that all services related to a project are covered in a key transaction area, or that agency may decide that it is appropriate to divide services to ensure that the right skills and expertise are available – more than one company could be involved in this case. At the end of the day, it`s up to the agency to make sure it`s hiring the right lawyers for the job and getting value for money. Questions regarding assignments or instructions should be directed to the Agency`s instructor or contract manager.