Pathfinder Legalistic

Your body collapses, forcing you to rely on mechanical increases or replacements to keep you alive. They take a -5 at perception controls and take a -2 penalty to save against illusions. However, they are immune to the effects of sleep. The interference of the gods in your life has left you with strange and unpredictable powers that depend on divine whims. Weird side effects occur whenever you are affected by a spell cast by a divine wizard – for better or worse. Once per turn, when a creature casts a divine spell that targets you, roll 1d20 and check out the table below. The effect resulting from this throw begins at the end of the opponent`s turn. This effect only targets you, even if other creatures have been included as targets of the trigger spell. You will be dazzled for 1 turn when exposed to normal or bright light and dazzled when you are in such a lit area.

You get dark vision up to a range of 30 feet. So far, I know the summoning of d3 monsters and d4 negative levels with Enervate. At level 10, you receive a second mercy and can exchange your first mercy for another. At level 15, you get the effect of the Hero`s Day when you feed on the raw flesh of a sentient creature, and the effects of this Hero Day double when the meat you eat comes from a member of your own race (this effect applies no more than once a day). Others can`t use the help with another action to help you, you don`t get bonuses to hit while flanking, and you can`t benefit from achievements, abilities, or spells that allow someone else to become the target of an attack or take damage for you. However, you get a +4 on savings against all environmental conditions, including hunger and thirst, and you always stabilize yourself before you die. At level 15, the non-fatal damage you suffer from sun exposure is reduced to 1d8, and you get blind vision up to a distance of 15 feet in low light or darkness. At level 5, you get the benefits of supporting the elements in hot environments and being immune to infestations (except those of the hive itself). The phantasmagoria of your despair has accustomed you to temporary suffering. You take a penalty of -2 for all skill and strength tests and can only run a number of spins equal to your charisma bonus (if it is lower than your constitution score) before you have to start the constitutional exams to continue.

They are immune to extreme heat and cold. You add a cool touch to your familiar spells. Your brand cannot be disguised or tampered with, even with magic, although you can still benefit from coverage or obscuration, and you can cover it by wearing a hood or dress (depending on your needs). Some NPCs may recognize the mark and become hostile, depending on the GM`s choice. As a supernatural ability, you can hit an enemy for 1d6+ (1/2 of your curse level) fire damage; Any enemy that takes damage will wear your symbol until equal damage is healed. Each marked enemy needs -2 to save against your spells and spell abilities. You can do this brand touch several times a day, which equates to 1+ your charisma bonus (minimum 1). It explicitly says “every role.” It is in the spirit of the curse to fully abuse this formulation. At level 5, the range of your dark vision increases by 30 feet In times of stress or discomfort, speak in tongues.

At level 10, you are constantly protected by not recognizing the spell, and your moral bonus for disguise, intimidation and stealth increases to +6. You were exposed at a young age (perhaps even before you were born) to the exotic species known as the hive, but this exposure did not result in a complete infestation by these otherworldly monsters. Others (including animals) find the unsightly spines and rough growths that regularly emerge from your flesh disturbing and distracting. The chains of hell impose savage consequences when you break an alliance, but also penetrate it with remarkable cunning. At level 10, the radius increases to 3,000 feet and the bonus of your assistant level if you cast oracle spells within the limit increases by 1. At level 15, you will receive a +4 Insight bonus on all your save throws and on your AC during surprise spins and if you are not aware of an attack. You take a -4 penalty on diplomatic checks, and when you first meet someone, the person`s initial attitude towards you starts at a lower than normal level. Animals run away from you – you take a -4 penalty at Handle Animal Checks. You get a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves against insect, scorpion and spider poisons, as well as the distraction ability of swarms of such creatures. At level 15, if you take damage during an attack with a manufactured weapon, you can ask the weapon bearer to make a reflex save (DC 10 +1/2 your oracle level + your charisma modifier) to prevent the weapon from collapsing into dust immediately after striking (magic weapons receive an additional save throw against this effect).

At level 5, you will learn the Add spell from each level spell you can cast. You are a disgrace to the natural world. Weird natural hazards develop within 300 feet of you if you stay in a natural area for more than 10 minutes than on less evil terrain. You cannot choose the hazards or their location. However, your movement is not hindered by undergrowth, such as a druid`s ability to take steps in the forest when plants atrophy in your steps. You can take levels in Scar Seeker to make it even higher depending on the situation, but it`s basically not worth it. At level 15, you get the constant benefits of a non-recognition spell and function as if you are acting on yourself. You can remove or re-enable this capability as a free action. Choose one of the following languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal or Terran.

At level 15, if a creature takes damage within 30 feet in battle, you automatically get 1 temporary hit point. You can benefit from this ability a number of times per turn that matches your charism modifier, and you can get a total number of temporary health points that match your oracle level. The temporary health points thus reached disappear after 1 hour. While your actual nutritional needs won`t change, you crave the flesh of sentient creatures. Your skin stinks of a pungent and foul-smelling stench and knocks down everyone who has to put up with your smell. However, you will receive a +4 bonus on all savings throws against curse effects. They take a -2 penalty on all concentration controls, and focusing on maintaining a spell duration causes occasional attacks. Whenever an opponent tries to use an effect to possess or dominate you, and the effect cancels a save roll, you can roll the dice twice and take the best of both outcomes. The following oracle curse is available to the lizard people. Your face is distorted, as if you were born with the muzzle of a wolf instead of an ordinary nose and jaw.

Many think you`re a werewolf, and in lycanthrope-plagued areas, you need to make an effort to hide your face. Whenever you`re in battle, your allies must succeed in a melee attack to influence you with tactile spells, and you must try to save casts to withstand all spells cast by someone other than yourself, even those cast by allies. Instant spells that you only cast on yourself will make your level 1 wizard feel higher. Every oracle is cursed, but this curse has both an advantage and an obstacle. This choice is made at the 1st level, and once made, it cannot be modified. The curse of the oracle cannot be removed or driven away without the help of a deity. The curse of an oracle is based on its oracle level plus one for two levels or hitting dice, except oracle. Subtract your DC curse level from gathering information or knowledge tests to learn things about yourself. You suffer an a-10 penalty to save Will, compared to the non-spiritual spells and abilities of the divination school. Once a day, you can take “10” on a cheque, even though you wouldn`t normally be able to do so due to distractions or threats.