Requisitos Para Ser Tutor Legal En Puerto Rico

The legal provisions of this procedure are based on the Civil Code of Puerto Rico, published in 1930, the code that all Puerto Ricans must follow to engage in their social activities. In 1936, the Guardianship Act was published, which explained everything related to the guardianship of minors and the disabled. Are you hesitating? It doesn`t matter! It`s normal to be afraid, and even more so when you`re caring for another person who is completely unknown to you or your family. Psychological studies are usually carried out to see if the right conditions are met. We already know what a legal guardian is, but to be more precise, it indicates what kind of people can take on this type of responsibility, because not everyone can be responsible for a dependent person. Here are the types of people who can be guardians: This type of cycle can be initiated by the relatives of the person in question. The Civil Code of Puerto Rico is responsible for monitoring the inclination requirement to characterize who the guardian will be. This is a request submitted at the same time as the appointment of a guardian. This guardian is the one who takes care of the disabled person and manages his property under the control of the court. It is important to note that not everyone can be the legal guardian of a dependent person, so for more details we will indicate which people can assume this responsibility, as not everyone can be responsible.

Among them we will mention the following: To get a passport in our country, certain requirements and procedures must be fully fulfilled, and in this article you can find out what it is There are also certain obligations that the guardian cannot fulfill: According to the law, a guardian can be dismissed if he commits any of the acts, This may result in the loss of parental authority by one of the parents: the guardian is entitled to compensation for money or property held by the disabled or minor person. If the amount to be calculated by the guardian in the will is not specified, the court determines the remuneration. The tutor must make an inventory of the property of the minor or disabled person. This obligation is essential and non-compliance is not justified. In some cases, the person appointed as guardian must provide security against the harm caused by non-compliance with guardian obligations. Similarly, there may be cases where the person of full age determines in writing his tutorship or the designation of his tutor. As long as you make forecasts. For any reason considered invalid for the determination of a person, the court is responsible for outpatient treatment and ensures that the person is placed in an institution capable of providing the necessary rehabilitation. Just as there must be the profile that a person who wants to be a legal guardian must have properly to be responsible for a person who is legally incapable of taking care of himself; either because of their physical or mental condition or because of their age. Guardianships are registered with the courts, for this reason the person must register and initiate guardianship in accordance with the provisions of article 173 of the Civil Code, which stipulates that the guardian must perform his functions only if he is registered in the register. So far, the requirements for a legal guardian in Puerto Rico have been mentioned, who can and who are the people who need a guardian. Since everything in this life must be clear, it remains to be said who are the people who cannot be the legal guardians, because it is possible that anyone can be a guardian if a judge so decides.

As the main source of law regarding legal regulations concerning the question of guardianship, we would have the Civil Code of Puerto Rico of 1930, which has been revised and approved several times, for example in 1983 and 1994. You just need to read on in order to know both the requirements and the functions, rights and obligations of the guardian. If testamentary guardians are not brought before or a person is not available for whom they could correspond to their guardianship or who does not have the required valid qualifications; The court is competent to appoint a person who is fit and willing to assume this responsibility. Similarly, the supervisory judge is responsible for the certification and appointment of the doorman, but also considers the declarations to anticipate any charge left in the will. In the Civil Code of Puerto Rico of 1930, article 195 established the characteristics that must be had by persons who could not fulfill the role of legal guardian. These are: Finally, you already know the requirements to be a legal guardian in Puerto Rico, we hope that this information can serve as a reference to be able to carry out this procedure in a satisfactory and timely manner. It is for the court to assess the evidence to be taken into account in the interest of the person seeking protection. However, the guardian has certain legal and moral obligations that must be fulfilled in order to live up to this responsibility. These obligations are as follows: In any legal condition to declare a person unfit for work, the court is responsible for providing outpatient treatment and ensuring that it is established in an organization capable of ensuring vital recovery. The court is competent to assess the evidence to be taken into account in the interest of the person mentioning guardianship.

There are cases when the person appointed as guardian must make a notification to avoid any kind of discomfort that may be caused by neglecting the duties he has as guardian.