Three Examples of Normative Statements

Normative statements and positive statements often appear in economics textbooks or in the media. The two statements are contradictory. In the following, I summarize the characteristics of the normative statement: Positive economics means focusing more on data, facts and figures than on personal perspectives. The statements presented here are straight to the point and are supported by relevant information. On the other hand, normative economics focuses more on personal perspectives and opinions than on facts and figures. Here, statements are based on a person`s point of view, and there is always enough data available to support such claims. A clear understanding of the difference between positive and normative economics is crucial for business students. Apart from that, to learn more about other business chapters, students can visit Vedantu`s official website. Because people have different values, normative statements often cause disagreement.

An economist whose values lead him to conclude that we should help the poor more will disagree with an economist whose values lead to a conclusion we should not make. Since there is no test for these values, these two economists will continue to disagree unless one convinces the other to adopt a different set of values. Many of the disagreements among economists are based on such differences in values and are therefore unlikely to be resolved. Although people often disagree on positive statements, these disagreements can ultimately be resolved through an investigation. However, there is another category of claims for which an investigation can never resolve disputes. A normative statement is a statement that makes a value judgment. Such a judgment is the opinion of the speaker; No one can “prove” that the statement is correct or not. Here are some examples of normative statements in economics: Behavioral economics has also been accused of being normative in the sense that cognitive psychology is used to get people to make desirable decisions by building their electoral architecture.

A normative economic example is: “The government should provide basic health care to every citizen.” You can understand that this statement is based on a personal perspective and addresses the need for “should” or “should be.” A clear understanding of the difference between positive and normative economics can lead to better policy-making if the policy is based on a balanced mix of facts (positive economics) and opinions (normative economics). Nevertheless, many policies on issues ranging from international trade to welfare are based, at least in part, on normative economics. Common observations suggest that public policy discussions generally involve normative economic statements. There is an even higher degree of disagreement in such discussions, as neither party can clearly prove their accuracy. However, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and other organizational authorities also tend to consider what is desirable and what is not desirable for their respective constituents, making normative economics an important part of the equation for deciding important economic issues. Coupled with a positive economy, normative economics can branch into many opinion-based solutions that reflect how an individual or an entire community represents certain economic projects. These types of views are particularly important for national policy makers or leaders. Although normative economics is a subjective study, it functions as a basis or platform for original thinking. These concepts will form a fundamental basis for innovative ideas that will be generated to reform an economy.

Some prescriptive statements can be found in online articles. Some of them come from expert opinions on the economy and can, contrary to what you believe. In other places, you will find an expert who is good at providing economic data. He explained in detail the causes of the current economic conditions. Normative economics focuses on ideological, dictive, and dictive, opinion-based value judgments and “what should be” statements that target economic development, investment projects, and scenarios. Its purpose is to summarize people`s interest (or lack thereof) in various economic developments, situations, and programs by asking or quoting what should happen or what should be. Their functions make it possible to distinguish positive economics from normative economics. Positive economics describes the cause and outcome of the relationship between variables. On the other hand, normative economics provides value judgments. Prescriptive statements generally represent an opinion-based analysis of what is considered desirable. You said, for example, that Indonesia`s economic growth is expected to reach 6%.

It is prescriptive because it is based on your subjective opinion. Positive economic theory can therefore help economic decision-makers implement normative value judgments. How – it can describe how the government is in power to influence inflation by printing more money or restructuring banking reforms, this economy can support this claim with solid facts and an analysis of the relationships between inflation and an economy`s money supply growth. In contrast, normative economics focuses on the representation of statements that may or may not be possible in the future. In addition, in some cases, these statements do not contain credible supporting data. Positive economics offers a more scientific and calculated explanation of an economic issue. But normative economics also offers such solutions, but they are based on personal values. Normative economics aims to determine the desirability or absence of people for various programs, situations, and economic conditions by asking what should happen or what should be. Therefore, normative statements generally represent an opinion-based analysis of what is considered desirable. For example, the assertion that the government should aim for economic growth of x% or inflation of y per cent could be considered prescriptive. Economic statements that are prescriptive in nature cannot be examined or proven for factual values or legitimate cause and effect.

Examples of normative economic statements include “women should receive higher school loans than men,” “workers should receive a larger share of capitalist profits,” and “workers should not pay for hospital care.” Prescriptive economic statements typically contain keywords such as “should” and “should.” The second type of activity is more subjective and inevitably based on the researcher`s values. This is called normative thinking, and conclusions are called normative statements. A policy recommendation might be that, since the unemployed do not earn income, the government should try to stimulate demand in the economy so that the unemployed can return to work. Another policy recommendation could be that stimulating demand could include a larger federal budget deficit that future generations would have to pay back with higher taxes, so the government should not try to stimulate demand. Which of these recommendations is the right one? It depends on your subjective values. Normative economics is subjective and values-based and arises from personal perspectives, feelings, or opinions involved in the decision-making process. Prescriptive economic statements are rigid and prescriptive. They often seem political or authoritarian, which is why this industry is also called “what should be” or “what should be” economic. The first type of activity is economics, based on theories and evidence, where researchers try to determine how the world (or at least the economy) works.