What Documents Do I Need to Get Married in North Carolina

The legal age of marriage in North Carolina is 18. Persons over the age of 16 and under the age of 18 may only be married with signed parental consent or a court order. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 16 to marry in North Carolina. You both have to go to the clerk`s office, fill out an application, sign it and pay a fee, usually $60. You can get your marriage certificate immediately (there is no waiting period). If you`re walking down the aisle in North Carolina, you`ll need a marriage certificate. You can obtain one by filing an application with a county registry office. Before you get married, you must apply for and obtain a marriage license. Marriage licenses can be obtained from the register of deeds of the district in which the marriage is to take place. Obtaining a marriage certificate by making a false statement or pretense is an administrative offence. Feel free to be as traditional or creative as you like! All we need is a “Yes!” There are two types of marriage ceremonies: religious or civil. A religious ceremony must be performed by an ordained minister. Marriages contracted by ministers of the Church of Universal Life after July 3, 1981, are not valid marriages.

Civil marriage is solemnized by a magistrate. Two witnesses must be present at the wedding ceremony. Once married, the person who performed the wedding ceremony must provide you with a marriage certificate. The certificate must contain the names, addresses, date of marriage, the county that issued the marriage certificate, and the date the license was issued. You can also obtain a copy of your marriage certificate at any time by contacting NC Vital Records at www.vitalrecords.nc.gov or by calling 919-733-3000. The minister or judge who holds the ceremony must sign the marriage certificate you received before the ceremony and put it in the registry of deeds within 10 days of the ceremony. After marriage, the spouses automatically have the right to divide each other`s property. If you have children from a previous marriage and want them to inherit some bequests from your estate, you should seriously consider having a will. If children are born or adopted during the marriage, they are also entitled to a share of their parents` estate. Couples who marry in North Carolina must obtain a marriage license before marriage.

If your marriage will take place in North Carolina, you can obtain a marriage certificate from the Registry of Deeds in any county in the state. Typically, both partners must go to the Registry of Deeds office, although some counties allow online submission of applications before going to the office to save time. Applicants for a marriage certificate must pay a fee and complete a form indicating their name, age, marital status and intention to marry. If you want to make your wedding ceremony a little more personal and ask a close friend or family member to perform it, they should be ordered. Here are some requirements and steps to follow: From the beaches of Wilmington and the Outer Banks to the luxurious mountain cabins of Asheville and the Highlands, to the charming college campuses of Durham and Chapel Hill, North Carolina offers a beautiful setting for all types of wedding style. No matter how you decide to attach yourself, you will still need a North Carolina marriage license. Two people who want to get married may not have a closer relationship than first cousins. You don`t have to be a North Carolina resident to get married in North Carolina. Applicants must provide a Social Security Number or notarized statement that the applicant is not eligible to obtain a Social Security number. The registry may require proof of age, such as government-issued identification or birth certificate.

The register of deeds may also require proof of divorce if one of the partners was already married. As requirements may vary, you should contact your district`s Registry of Deeds for specific questions. After the marriage, both copies of the marriage certificate must be signed by the official and both witnesses. One thing to keep in mind, especially for destination weddings, is which county you are getting married in, as the officiant will need to fill it out on the marriage certificate. Marriage has many legal consequences that people considering marriage should address before marriage. The best way to make sure you have addressed these relevant issues is to consult a lawyer who has experience in family law. You should do this well before you get married, as it can take several weeks or even months to draft and finalize the necessary paperwork to meet your relevant legal needs. Once written, your will should be reviewed regularly to reflect changing needs and circumstances. If a person dies without a will, state laws govern how that person`s property is distributed to their heirs. To ensure that your estate is divided according to you and your spouse`s wishes, you should consider a will. You and your spouse must both be present and bring the following: You should also be aware that using your separated property for matrimonial purposes during the marriage may change the classification of separate property to matrimonial property.

Once separate property is converted to matrimonial property, it remains matrimonial property. How do you prevent your separate property from becoming matrimonial property? This is a complicated issue and someone who is considering getting married or getting married newly should consult with an experienced family law lawyer. Estate planning, wills, inheritance: You and your potential spouse should have wills that reflect your wants and needs. Discuss these wants and needs with your potential spouse. Then, before you get married, consult with a qualified lawyer to prepare the appropriate legal documents to meet your wants and needs in the event of your death. Once you have your marriage certificate, you have 60 days to get married. In North Carolina, there is no waiting period to use the license. In North Carolina, we keep a few traditional things when it comes to getting married! In order to be properly married in this state, you and your spouse must clearly express your desire to be married to each other.

This ensures that the marriage does not take place against anyone`s will. As soon as you have a marriage certificate, you can get married immediately. No waiting time is required. You must get married within 60 days of the license being issued, otherwise the license will expire. To be validly married, you must have your marriage certificate signed by a justice of the peace or a religious minister and that person must return the licence to the registry of deeds within 10 days. Read on to learn everything you need to know about getting a marriage license in North Carolina, including how much you cost, what to bring to your date, and who can legally marry you. Name change: Before marriage, a couple must face the question of “what to call each other”. Traditionally, wives have taken the husband`s surname.

This is not a legal obligation. At the time of marriage, the wife may take her husband`s surname without formal judicial proceedings. The husband may take the wife`s surname and couples are also known to combine or separate their surnames. In the latter two cases, a more formal procedure, ordered by the court, should be considered.