Ready to
give your life
to Jesus?

Christian fellowship with us will help you navigate successfully issues of life and be Heaven bound at the fullness of time in Jesus name.

who we are

Pentium Ministries is a ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, with Apostle Ausbeth Ajagu, Ph.D,MFR, as the chief servant, with main goals being HOLINESS, SALVATION, SETTING CAPTIVES FREE AND TOTAL HEALING.

Pentium Ministries is all about Jesus, therefore it is essential for us to establish that what we believe and teach is scripturally sound – The Word Undiluted.

We consider the personal pursuit of God as paramount in each of our personal life journeys. We also believe that ultimate, saving Truth is found only through God’s Son, Jesus Christ. (Read our Faith Statement bellow) We believe that the authoritative and primary source of that truth is the Bible as illuminated by the power of the Holy Spirit. Further, we believe that spiritual growth occurs in combination with being in God’s Word consistently and dealing with the things we suffer in this fallen world while being in FELLOWSHIP with other believers where there is an atmosphere of grace, love, and accountability.

Apostle Ausbeth Ajagu (The Lord’s Servant), PhD, MFR, NPOM, F.AES a Political Economist, with a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Political Science, Masters ….Read More


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faith statement

We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the sinless life of Jesus Christ, the authenticity of His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection and His present mediatorial work in heaven

We believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit. We believe He gives life, He sanctifies, He empowers and comforts all believers.

We believe that the Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments in their original texts, are fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, without error, and are the final authority for the Church.

We believe that man was originally created sinless. Tempted by Satan, man fell and thereby brought the whole race under the condemnation of eternal separation from God.

We believe that man is saved through repentance and faith in the finished work of Christ. Justification is through grace alone.

We believe that the Church is the body of Jesus Christ composed of all true believers. The present work of the Church is the worship of God, the perfecting of the saints and the evangelization of the world.

We believe in the personal and bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ to consummate our salvation and establish His glorious Kingdom.

our core values

Our outward engagement with people flows from our inner life with God, who is our priority. Doing must flow out of being.

The Bible is our default reference in making decisions, resolving conflicts and determining the conduct our life and ministry together.

 As we receive life-giving grace from God, we give in kind and measure to others. Growing in Christ-likeness, we treasure wholeness in thought, speech, conscience and conduct.

Our love for God is revealed in our love for all humanity, both in the care of co-workers and believers, and in the respect and love shown to those who differ from and even oppose us.

In a world so divided, unjust and void of peace, our greatest testimony is working together as equals from a variety of theological and ethnic backgrounds.

We make no apology for our obedience to Christ’s command; rather, we seize every opportunity to demonstrate and declare the Gospel in respectful, culturally appropriate ways.

Personal and corporate prayer honors God, changes us and transforms the world. Therefore prayer is the foundational work that precedes and permeates all other work.

 Since, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God will be made known, we honor and build up Christ’s body at all levels and at every opportunity.